World Day for Water 2018

Tanuja Bisht

, News

World Water Day is an annual event which is celebrated on 22nd March.

The day centers attention on the importance of universal access to clean water, hygiene, and sanitation (WASH) facilities in developing countries.

The day also aims at advocating for the sustainable management of all the freshwater resources.


World Water Day is mainly supported by stakeholders across the world.

Many governmental and non-governmental organizations like UNICEF and WaterAid promote clean water for people and sustainable aquatic habitats for animals.


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On this day several organizations perform various events. Like theatrical and musical celebrations, campaigns, and educational events to raise money for access to clean and affordable water for everyone.

The first International World Water Day was designated by the United Nations in 1993.


The theme for the World Water Day 2018 is “Nature for Water” which is nature-based solutions to the water challenges we are facing in the 21st century.


We all know that damages to the ecosystems affect the quality and quantity of water available for human consumption. Today, approximately 2.1 billion people live without safe and clean drinking water at home.


Sustainable Development Goals commits the world to ensure that everyone has access to safe and clean water by 2030. Also as includes targets for protecting our natural environment and reducing pollution.


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Objectives of World Water Day:

World Water Day is an international awareness day. It is meant to encourage people from all across the world to learn more about water-related issues such as its purity and availability. Means ll as telling others about these issues and taking some action to make a difference. It particularly in developing countries.


One of the biggest challenges is the global water crisis. The global water crisis includes challenges like water scarcity. And the lack of sanitation for people in developing countries.


The day brings to light the inequality of access to WASH services and needs to assure the human right to water and sanitation.




Activities of World Water Day:


The theme for 2018 explores how nature can be used to overcome the water challenges of the 21st century.

One approach for this is nature-based solutions like using wetlands and constructed wetlands.



World Water Day is an initiative taken by governmental and non-governmental organizations. It is also our duty to take care of our natural resources for pure and safe water.


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