Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight (Never Give Up)



“Positivity, confidence, and persistence are key in life, so never give up on yourself”.


“Never give up.” It’s probably one of the most common phrases you heard since your childhood. There’s a reason these sayings are common because you never know when success really comes to hit you in the next corner or may punch you in the nose.


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Hi, I am Shreya, I was a hardworking and a studious girl and preparing for NEET a medical entrance examination. I was quite assured that I will crack the exam with a good rank. I was putting all my effort to do the same. My family was supporting me in all the ways possible. My father’s biggest dream was to see me as a doctor.


But nothing happened as I had thought. Suddenly happiness and smile left me all alone and I was not the same chirpy girl as I was. What had happened to me (I wondered)? I became the victim of the world’s most disastrous thing. How come I had got failed in my examination, In spite of burning with night oil. People constant taunt me “What will I do in my life?” And I was also started feeling the same. I had started shying away when I meet people. Now what? What am I going to do? “But I remind myself failure is not the end of life, it is just a step to success.”


“Failure is Only the Opportunity to Begin Again More Intelligently.” – Henry Ford


In spite of all pressure and fear, I gathered all my strength and appeared in one more attempt. But the result was the same. One more failure was added to my account. Now people considered me a good for nothing girl. And I thought the same way about myself.


I refused to give the exam again and started to believe I’m not meant to be a doctor. My father was thinking that I am getting lazy and I am not in a good company. So, he became tough towards me. He stopped me from meeting my friends and going outside of the house. I had begun to hurt.


Gradually, I stopped talking with my family members too and I withdrew into a shell. I was not a lazy tortoise but… One day one of my friends came to meet me, I shared what I was going through, and she advised me to act immediately.


I also wanted to see myself chirpy girl once again. So, I followed my friend’s advice. I made a few lifestyle changes that began to show up.


Meanwhile, I started thinking that I need to do something to restart my career. I realized that I am fundamentally a creative soul and an MBA with specialization in marketing communication would suit me well. I googled and applied for admission to one of the good universities abroad. I talked to my father regarding the same and convinced him that I have a bright future over there.


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I got up with all my strength and energy and gave the entrance exam of that university and got the admission. I went there and completed my graduation. It was a life-changer for me.


I started my own business in Sidney and run it successfully, and I was running it successfully. I lead a team of 50 and treat them as a family.


Fall Seven Times Stand Up Eight (Never Give Up)


I am very grateful to my father who understood me and gave me the freedom to make choices. Due to that, I have been able to reach this milestone.


Now I am not a job seeker anymore, I am a Job creator. “I fell seven times and stood up eight”


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