Abu Sayem’s Tuberculosis In Liver Treatment Successful!

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Liver-related issues have been one of the most demanded treatments in India by our international patients. We bring to you the story of our Bangladeshi patient, Abu Sayem. One of the major aspects of choosing GoMedii is the extra care that we as your treatment partner provide you.


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Abu Sayem from Bangladesh chooses GoMedii and got his Liver Treatment done. He arrived in India in the month of October 2021. It was “by chance and luck” as he says that he came across GoMedii. Once he chose us as his partners, there was nothing else that he was worried about. To know more about how you too can get various treatments done in India, Drop your query!

Abu Sayem from Bangladesh Chooses GoMedii


Tuberculosis In Liver Treatment in india, Tuberculosis In Liver Treatment Successful, Abu Sayem's Tuberculosis, Bangladeshi patient, Liver treatment cost to Mr. Sayem, GoMedii help in getting Visa issues


Mr. Sayem suffered one of the most uncommon of all Tuberculosis infections. When we hear “TB”, the lungs automatically pop up in our head. The other image would be someone coughing, right? However, all of it was very different in the case of Abu Sayem. How? Let us read further to know the same.


Abu Sayem & His Uncommon Tuberculoisis


A lot of questions were asked about whether it was liver cirrhosis or something else. It was only after the right diagnosis took place in India, that doctors said it was Tuberculosis of the liver.

Where did Abu Sayem from Bangladesh get his treatment done?


Abu Sayem was very sure that he wanted his treatment to be done in Chennai. This is because for two reasons, though Kolkata was an option, he had heard from our partners in Bangladesh and had few recommendations in his mind. Our case manager in Chennai made it easier for Mr. Sayem, as the team also arranged for his stay and other travel necessities.

How much did the treatment cost to Mr. Sayem?


Tuberculosis In Liver Treatment in india, Tuberculosis In Liver Treatment Successful, Abu Sayem's Tuberculosis, Bangladeshi patient, Liver treatment cost to Mr. Sayem, GoMedii help in getting Visa issues


The treatment cost of Tuberculosis cost in India generally ranges from 2500-3000USD. This is what Abu Sayem had to pay in order to get his treatment done in India.


Does GoMedii help in getting Visa issues?



Yes, as your treatment partner, we dedicate ourselves to making sure that the patient gets everything done without any problems. This includes the travel documents and needs for VIL and Visa invites. We get it all for you!


What is the Tuberculosis in Liver?


Tuberculosis (TB) is an old disease presenting with new faces with the advent of more advanced cross-sectional imaging. It typically affects the lungs but can affect other organs of the body.


When you have liver tuberculosis, it is different. It is very uncommon and though you might think it can be cured, it is a very long process. It is also known as Hepatic Tuberculosis Primary and may occur in the extremely rare congenital form.


How is Tuberculosis in the Liver diagnosed?


As in other organs, the final diagnosis of liver tuberculosis rests on the demonstration of acid-fast bacilli on direct examination or culture of tissue specimens. In needle liver biopsies, epithelioid granuloma formation can be demonstrated in 80% to 100% of cases; and caseation necrosis in 30% to 83%.


Some patients with tuberculosis may have negative PCR results from liver tissue because of the paucity of mycobacteria or because of the possible reactive nature of liver granulomas.


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Which Hospital Did Abu Sayem Choose for Treatment? 


Tuberculosis In Liver Treatment in india, Tuberculosis In Liver Treatment Successful, Abu Sayem's Tuberculosis, Bangladeshi patient, Liver treatment cost to Mr. Sayem, GoMedii help in getting Visa issues


It is Rela Hospital is known as the Best Multispecialty Hospital in Chennai. As we mentioned earlier Mr. Sayem was sure and had discussed with us his choices in hospitals. As a treatment partner, we make sure that we try our best to get you the customized service that you have asked for. 


A Never Breaking Bond With GoMedii 


Our patients are more than a case for us. When Mr. Abu Sayem approached us, we were sure that we will send him a happy and healthy man. He also expressed his desire to go around the country. We offered him a visit to Chennai beaches, well, that is something to enjoy in winters in Chennai. 


We hope that the recovery is faster than it was when Mr. Sayem was here in India. Gives us an opportunity to serve him and his loved ones who need & deserve the best medical care. 


We are dedicated to helping our patients in all manners. If you are too someone who wishes to share the same story as Mr. Abu Sayem, contact us! 


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