Is Social Media Really Affects Your Child’s Academic Performance?

, Health A2Z

In today’s world, children can access the Internet and social networks from a variety of entry points such as iPads, tablets, desktops, laptops, and smartphones.

Social networks have become an integral part of the social life of our children. Now it is considered a learning platform that can improve student engagement and performance. Social networks and media tools provide school children the opportunity to communicate, socialize, access, research, and communicate.

From the beginning of development, children learn by looking at others and social interaction. Some sociocultural theories suggest that children learn in the context of their social and cultural environment.

Although many parents fear that the rise in social media will distract children from their studies, a new European study suggests that using sites like Snapchat, Facebook or Instagram has minimal impact on school performance.

The popularity of social networking sites has risen sharply over the last decade. This is probably due to the fact that university students and teens have often used it to gain global access. These social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook have become a mad madness for everyone today.

The negative effects of these social networking sites outweigh the positive effects. These sites have caused potential harm to the company. Students are more often victims of social networks than anyone else. This is because, when looking online for the material of their class or searching online, they are attracted to these pages to avoid boredom in their study time and to divert their attention from their work.

Other negative side effects of social networking websites include the following:

Reduced learning and research capabilities:

Students began to rely more on easily accessible information on these social networks and the Internet. This reduces their learning and research skills.


Students who engage in social networking activities during their studies reduce their focus. This leads to a reduction in their academic performance and concentration in order to study well.

Reduction in real human contact:

The more time students spend on these social networks, the less time they spend meeting in person. This reduces their communication skills. They will not be able to communicate personally with others and socialize effectively. Employers are therefore increasingly dissatisfied with the communication skills of graduates. Effective communication skills are the key to success in the real world.

Reduces command over language use age and creative writing skills:

The students mainly use slang words or shortened forms of words in social networks. You start relying on the grammar and spelling features of the computer. This reduces his command of the language and his creative writing skills.

Time wastage:

When students research and learn online, they are attracted to the use of social networks and sometimes forget why they use the Internet. This is wasting their time and sometimes students can not return their work within the given time.

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Low grades:

Students get low grades in school due to lack of writing skills and desired information.

Loss of motivation in students:

The motivation level of the student is reduced by the use of these social networking sites. They rely on the virtual environment instead of gaining practical knowledge of the real world.

Effect on health:

Excessive use of these sites affects mental and physical health. The students do not eat in time and rest properly. They consume an excessive amount of coffee or tea to stay active and concentrated, which affects their health.

Excessive use of these sites on a daily basis has many negative effects on the physical and mental health of students, making them lethargic and unmotivated to create contact with people in person. Parents need to control and balance their children when using the Internet. You should be alert if you use it for a reasonable period of time or not. Colleagues and teachers should also help students become aware of the negative effects and explain what is missing in the real world when they follow these social networks.

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