Learn Facts, Symptoms and Prevention of Suicidal Thoughts

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


Life is an ongoing battle that can only be won at every phase in life if we have a strong will. It is too easy to give up and not struggle. The most celebrated leader to best artists has only got through life by not quitting on it. The world we live in today, not only has personal problems but global as well. Do you sometimes get suicidal thoughts? This has become too common among adults as well as teenagers. They feel that life is unfair and the easiest way to get rid of it is to end it. Today, we would, therefore, address these problems and their prevention over the situation.


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What Are the Facts About Suicidal Thoughts?


There are some facts that form the ground rules of you suffering from suicidal thoughts.


  • Suicidal thoughts might be intentional or unintentional, but ultimately is one’s choice to end one’s life.


  • These are based on planned life happening or can be impulsive.


  • Suicidal thoughts can come up due to personal and professional reasons.


  • Suicidal thoughts might be a result of prolonged depression.


  • Self-mutilation is a deliberate self-harm without an intent to end one’s life. Self-mutilation is associated with an increased risk of suicide.


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What Can be Symptoms of Suicidal Thoughts?


While some symptoms can be extremely impulsive, others come up due to strained lifestyle. There are some that might also be due to not so great life choices.


1) Regularly saying “I want to kill myself”


Yes, it is normal to say sometimes that you feel like killing yourself, but not every other day. If you have some friends which keep repeating these lines every day, make sure you talk to them about what is troubling them.


2) Emotionally vulnerable


Emotions are something that makes us human, Human! So if one is emotionally in pain, we can think of destroying our lives. This is one of the main symptoms of suicidal thoughts.



3) Diseases


Most of the people who commit suicide have a mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.



4) The onset of the addiction


Suddenly one day you see your friend with a bottle of alcohol. Another day with a pack of cigarettes. These are the symptoms they might be suffering from suicidal thoughts or are having them very often.



5) Change in regular personality


Developing personality changes or being severely anxious or agitated, particularly when experiencing some of the warning signs listed above.


Prevention from Suicidal Thoughts:


  • Get the Treatment:


From visiting a good psychiatrist to changing your lifestyle, get treated in any way. It is important that you face the reality that you are suffering and work to improve it.


  • Build a Support Network:


It is easy to say “I have got this” but difficult to believe in it. You have to reach out to people in times of trouble. You have to know that you need a support system to help you fight the negative suicidal thoughts.



  • Remember, Suicidal Feelings are Temporary:


You have to know that what you are feeling now is not what you will always feel like. If you think killing yourself is a solution and you will always want to feel so, that is wrong. These feelings are temporary and you do not have to think about it all the time Take one step at a time and don’t act impulsively.


Life can be really hectic. Suicidal thoughts are bound to come if you are not strong enough to fight them with all you have. In this era of technology, we tend to be adhering to a lot of things. This puts another level of pressure on our brains. On our website, you get assured help from our health expert team so never feel out of help. We are here!

To get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Suicidal Thoughts treatment, you can contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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