Quarantine Exercises, To Make The Lockdown Healthier

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

This current quarantine time has got all of us thinking of new ways to spend time. While some have got a slight rest from their busy schedules, others feel they are very bored. Yet, the best part that we think is “Quarantine Exercises”! Yes, you seem to forget that when you were running to the office, you did not give much to your health and fitness. Giving you a good way to get through this lockdown, we bring to you a couple of exercises you can do at home.


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Why is quarantine exercises needed?


It is not ultimate to do exercises, you can have anything else to do also. However, give a thought, you might feel bored and stressed to some level at this time. What would you do then? Stress eating is one of the first things we usually pick up. Who and how will you get through the extra weight in that case? Hence, one solution is quarantine exercises.


Stretch it out, Sweat it out! Get these quarantine exercises to your list


Bringing for you is a list of all the exercises that will not only make you get in shape but boost your immunity too. So, hold on to your patience in this lockdown and carry these quarantine exercises.


1) Breath it in and Breath it out


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Keeping your mind in the right space is very important. You must ensure that too much stress does not destroy your peace during this lockdown. So, get your favorite place in the balcony, early morning and do some pre-workout meditation to keep your chakras aligned!


2) Surya Namaskar


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We have been so into these high core exercises that we forget where are basics are. We all have watched our favorite female actors like Shilpa Shetty and Kareena Kapoor show off those brilliant curves, or the fit and fine male actors like Akshay Kumar. Well, we are not sure but confident that the Surya Namaskar is one of the exercises they particularly follow. You must know that when you do this quarantine exercise, you will focus on major muscle groups.


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3) Planks and Pushups


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Let us make that core burn a little. Give your muscles a little more pump by targeting a plank challenge. Let your shoulders shiver but your mood and face lighten up with pushups. These two are one of the best quarantine exercises. So, get on your Instagram feed and challenge up your friends for a pushup and plank challenge!


4) Pump up with Squats and Lunges



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While your core might be burning, your legs and thighs must not be kept idle. You must take good care of them too. You can do these quarantine exercise in your room, balcony or your terrace. So, what are you waiting for? Get them going!


5) Skipping is good, mountain climbers are better



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Something that one must not forget is, you can live your childhood memories whenever you want. Skipping is one of them. Unknown to the fact that it can be one of the best quarantine exercise to switch for running. Cardio increases immunity, and mountain climbers are among the most sorted cardio exercises.


Quarantine Exercises will not only help you get fit but take the mental stress that most of us might be going through. So do not keep yourself bored, get fit, make sure you are in good shape and health and be ready for the time when the world opens up!


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