Top 10 Things That Are Causes of Skin Cancer

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Almost all basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas and the vast majority of melanomas can be associated with the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun that further become one of the causes of skin cancer.


UV rays damage DNA in skin cells and cause genetic mutations (defects). These mutations cause the rapid multiplication of abnormal skin cells and the development of malignant tumors.


Some physical characteristics can also cascade the events or can be the causes of skin cancer such as people with fair skin produce less melanin, a pigment that can block some (but not all) UV rays.


This can lead to racial or ethnic disparities in the risk of skin cancer. While Caucasians are more vulnerable, people with skin color can also develop skin cancer.


In addition, they can detect it at an advanced stage when it is harder to treat.


If your chances of developing skin cancer are high or low, the best option is to minimize the risk that you can control and make regular visits to dermatologists and skin self-assessments.


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Here is a summary of the most common and rare causes of skin cancer.


1. Excessive exposure to UV rays is dangerous

Life in the sun and intermittent periods of intense UV radiation that causes sunburns to increase the risk of skin cancer.


On average, the risk of developing melanoma doubles when there are more than five sunburns.


Given the dangers, the careful and consistent introduction of UV protection measures is particularly critical if you:

  • Have already had skin cancer
  • With a family history of skin cancer, especially melanoma
  • It has many birthmarks or irregular or large birthmarks (most will never cause any problem, but may increase the risk of melanoma).
  • They tend to sin or burn in the sun
  • Have clear skin blue, green or gray eyes; or blonde, red or light brown hair
  • Live or visit regularly high altitudes, where UV rays are particularly strong
  • Spend a lot of time in the sun on weekends
  • Spend a lot of time outdoors
  • Has certain autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus)
  • Have had an organ transplant and uses immunosuppressive drugs
  • Take medications that regularly suppress the immune system
  • Take medicine that will make your skin more sensitive to sunlight



2. The older you are, the greater your risk

The likelihood of developing skin cancer increases with age, possibly because of the cumulative effect of many years of exposure to UV rays.


But with the rate of skin cancer increasing every year in recent decades, the average age of onset has gradually decreased.


Some dermatologists report that they treat more people between the age group 20 to 30 years. The huge popularity of tanning beds indoors, especially among young white women, may explain why.


Several researchers also reveal that the ultraviolet rays generated by these devices account for more than 41 lakh cases of skin cancer each year across the world.


To put this in context, remember that more and more people are developing skin cancer caused by tanning at home and contracting lung cancer because of the habit of smoking.



3. Exposure to chemicals may increase the risk

Exposure to large amounts of arsenic in good waters in some areas, as well as some pesticides, increases the risk of developing basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas.



4. Men are more vulnerable than women

While women, especially young women, have shown a worrying increase in skin cancer incidence rates in recent decades, men are even more vulnerable.


Statistics show that men have squamous and squamous cell carcinoma more often than women.


Generally, men are more likely to be melanoma than women. Before the age of 50, the incidence for women is higher; After 50 years it’s bigger for men.


The incidence of melanoma in men aged 80 years and older are three times higher than in women of the same age.


One reason for this might be that men know less about skin cancer than women, so they are less willing to take protective measures such as using sunscreen.


A 2016 survey by the American Academy of Dermatology found that 76% of women surveyed believe that “healthy tanning does not exist”, but only 56% of men.


Some researchers also concluded that the men’s skin is more likely to prone to UV rays than women because of its thickness, with less fat underneath and contains more collagen and elastin.


Studies have shown that men’s skin is more sensitive to UV rays than women.


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5. Some medical treatments make it more likely

People who are undergoing radiation therapy for cancer or the ultraviolet rays of psoriasis have an increased risk of skin cancer.


Organ transplant patients who take medications that suppress the immune system are also more susceptible to skin cancer.



6. Early cancer of the skin could mean skin cancer in the future

Basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma increases the risk of reconstruction of these cancers. Those with basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma also have an increased risk of developing melanoma.



7. Other types of skin problems can increase your risk

The researchers found a link between skin cancer and severe burn scars, imperfections in bone infections, and other types of damage associated with certain inflammatory skin diseases.



8. Hereditary conditions can make skin sensitive

Xeroderma pigmentosum is an extremely rare hereditary disease that does not allow the skin to repair DNA damage caused by UV rays.


People with basal cell nevus syndrome, a congenital disease inherited from a single parent, will develop many basal cell carcinomas, sometimes as early as childhood or adolescence.



9. Viruses can be a skin cancer problem

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, can cause basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma by weakening the immune system.


Certain types of HPV (human papillomavirus), especially those that affect the genitals or anus or the skin around the nails, can cause skin cancer in these areas.



10. Another reason not to smoke

The researchers found a link between smoking and squamous cell carcinoma, especially in the lips.





The above written all the possibilities can be any of the causes of skin cancer. Always take care of your skin because the skin is the ultimate source of many diseases.


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