Know How Summer Cold Is Different From Seasonal Flu

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z


A summer cold is simply a common cold you catch during summertime. Some people may think you can only catch a cold during winter. Others might also mistake a summer cold for other issues, such as allergies. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t have to be cold outside to catch a cold.


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If you catch a cold in summer, it will be exactly like catching a cold in the winter. Even if it’s hot outside, the rhinovirus that causes common colds can spread and infect people just as easily.


What are the Symptoms of the Summer Cold?


Most summer colds cause symptoms similar to those of winter colds, including:


  • A runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Congestion
  • Pressure in the sinuses or head
  • A sore throat
  • Low energy
  • Muscle aches


Many winter colds do not cause fevers, especially in adults, but summer viruses due to enteroviruses may cause a sudden fever.


Although some people insist that summer colds are always worse or longer lived than winter colds, there is little clinical evidence to support this claim. Most summer colds, like winter colds, go away within a few days and do not require medical treatment.


What are the Causes of the Summer Cold?


Some enteroviruses cause other illnesses with different symptoms. These include:


herpangina, which causes small blisters on the mouth and throat, as well as a sudden fever


hand, foot, and mouth disease, which causes symptoms similar to herpangina, except that the blisters are also on the hands and feet and a person may also have flu-like symptoms


conjunctivitis, or pinkeye, which causes swelling and redness in one or both eyes


Rarely, enteroviruses can cause serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses, such as meningitis and myocarditis.


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What are the best remedies for the Summer Cold?


Of course, many classic winter cold treatments apply to summer colds as well. To treat a summer cold:


Rest up


Make sure to get plenty of rest and sleep. Avoid excessive activity and stress that could challenge the immune system. Even though summer is full of tempting outdoor activities, you may have to stay inside and rest for long periods.


Stay nourished and hydrated


Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Avoid beverages that could dehydrate, like alcohol, coffee, or energy drinks. Hot beverages like tea could be soothing and helpful to symptoms. Make sure your intake of vitamins and minerals is strong, especially of immune-boosting nutrients like iron, vitamin C, and zinc.


Herbal remedies


Herbs cannot kill or fight a cold. Still, studies show that some can support the immune system, helping it better fight colds. Popular herbs for fighting rhinovirus are echinacea, licorice root, elderberry, and garlic.


Humidifiers and steams


Humidifiers cannot directly get rid of a cold. But they can help relieve symptoms, especially runny nose, congestion, sore throat, and coughing.


How Can You Prevent Summer Colds?


There’s no way to completely prevent yourself from getting a cold, whether in summer or winter. But there are ways you can reduce your chance of getting one.


Take care of your immune system


There are many ways to do this: eating nutritious foods, avoiding too much stress, and even taking supplements that contain immune-boosting natural remedies.


Get plenty of sleep


Getting adequate sleep is essential to reset the immune system each day so that it functions properly.


Wash your hands


Make sure to wash your hands, especially in restrooms of public spaces and areas where pathogens can be prevalent.


Avoid those who have a cold


If you know someone has a cold, avoid interacting with them. If you get close to or touch them, make sure to wash up quickly afterward.




Here we have discussed summer cold, its symptoms, causes, and some remedies. One should try these home remedies, it also helps you to boost your immune system. You can consult to your doctor for the better treatment and can order medicine online and get the fastest delivery.


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