Coronary artery angiography cost in India: Types | Procedure | Facts

The coronary arteries are checked for blood flow with an X-ray during a cardiac angiography. This is why people search for coronary artery angiography cost in India for affordable treatment. Cardiovascular arteries play a big role in bringing blood to the heart muscle (myocardium). Heart muscle cells can die in a heart attack if a coronary artery is stopped. So, first, understand what coronary artery disease is and how angiography works, angiography methods, types of angiogram tests, tips to minimize coronary artery angiography cost in India, and the best hospital for coronary artery angiography.


What is Coronary Artery Disease?


Coronary artery disease makes the coronary arteries shrink or block up. These vessels bring blood with more oxygen to the heart muscle. The main cause of atherosclerosis is plaque buildup in the vessels. Bone, fat, cholesterol, and other things make up the placenta.


Over time, plaque may block blood flow to the heart, which can lead to a lot of problems. If the heart doesn’t get enough blood, it can get tired, have trouble breathing, or even have a heart attack. Pain or soreness in the chest, called angina, is another sign of this.


As CAD gets worse over time, it is important to keep it under control so that the arteries don’t get even smaller and problems are less likely after they happen. Some ways to treat and control coronary artery disease are angioplasty, medicine, lifestyle changes, and bypass surgery. Let’s understand angiography.


What is Angiography?


Coronary artery angiography

Coronary artery angiography

Multiple types of heart diseases exist, and each has its symptoms and ways to treat them. In an angiography, the blood tubes that bring blood to the heart are checked for health. By using an angiogram, you can see the heart chambers and other parts of the blood arteries’ structure and anatomy. Angiograms were first used to find problems with the structure of blood vessels. However, they are better now because we can test functions and look into different treatment choices. You can prevent many potentially deadly heart issues with this method, including heart attacks, which also defines coronary artery angiography cost in India more precisely.


X-rays are used in an angiogram to see if your veins or arteries are blocked. Doctors can use an angiogram to see how blood flows through certain arteries in your body. Angiography is a type of medical imaging that helps doctors figure out what’s wrong with the heart, neck, kidneys, legs, or other parts of the body that have arteries or veins. Your doctor can use a nephrography test to diagnose and/or treat the following:


  • Blood clots
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Aneurysm


Angiogram Methods


CTA: You can see the cells and blood vessels in a certain part of your body very clearly after getting a computed tomography (CT) scan and a special dye injected. It is certainly known as Computerized tomography angiography (CTA). The patient will have an IV line put into their blood vessels, and the angiography color will be given. A contrast agent is a dye that is used in angiography, especially CT angiography, to make the blood vessels and tissues being studied stand out. This also differentiates coronary artery angiography cost in India for international patients.


DSA: To find out if there are any problems with blood flow, Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) takes a picture of the brain’s blood vessels. In addition, catheterization is the process of inserting a very small, thin tube into the brain blood vessels through an artery in the leg. Doctors use a tube to create a contrasting color for X-rays, and then pictures are made of the blood vessels.


MRA: Medical professionals use Multiplex MRI and intravenous (IV) contrast dye in Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA), a test that checks blood vessels without harming the body. When contrast dye is added to an MRI, the blood vessels look cloudy. This allows the interventional radiologist to see the blood veins that are being examined. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is a test used to check out the heart and other soft tissues. Checking the blood flow is a regular way to treat it.


Types of Angiogram Test


Neuroangiography or Cerebral Angiography:


Electron microscopy, also known as cerebral angiography, uses X-rays and a special dye to look at the blood veins in the brain. Doctors use this tool to find injuries like aneurysms and diseases like atherosclerosis. This test also involves in the coronary artery angiography cost in India.


Coronary angiography:


Cardiac angiography, a diagnostic procedure, uses X-rays to look at the heart’s blood veins. The purpose of this test is to find out if the arteries that bring blood to the heart are blocked. This test can impact coronary artery angiography cost in India precisely.


Pulmonary angiography:


Contrast material is inserted into the blood vessels in the lungs during pulmonary angiography. X-ray imaging studies come next. You can find thrombus or blood clots in the blood veins of the lungs using this scanning method. You should also consider this test in coronary artery angiography cost in India to get a better price assessment.


Abdominal angiography:


An imaging test called abdominal angiography examines how well blood moves through the arteries in the belly. This checkup uses X-rays and a contrast drug to see how blood moves through the abdomen to organs like the liver and spleen and find any issues.


Renal angiography:


A medical technique called renal angiography uses X-rays and a contrast dye to look at the blood vessels in the kidneys. Researchers use this tool to check if a blood vessel in the kidney has an aneurysm, stenosis, or blockage. You should also consider this test in coronary artery angiography cost in India to get a better price assessment.




Another test, lymphangiography, can find issues with the lymphatic system, such as lymphedema, Hodgkin’s cancer, and damage to the system. It is necessary to put lipoidal dye into the lymphatic vessels in order to see the lymphatic structures on an MRI or X-ray.


Peripheral angiography or Extremity angiography:


Similar to its name, peripheral angiography, also known as limb angiography, is a medical test that uses X-rays and an injection of contrast dye to look for any narrowing or blockages in the arteries that bring blood to the feet, legs, and sometimes the hands and arms.


Retinal angiography:


In a test known as retinal angiography, eye doctors use a yellowish dye to look inside the blood vessels in the arm. After going through the arteries, the color enters the eye’s blood vessels and retina. The optometrist analyzes the blood vessels in the eye and captures images of the retina with a special camera. Individuals utilize this screening tool to discover eye issues such as diabetic retinopathy, ocular cancer, and macular oedema. You should also consider this test in coronary artery angiography cost in India to get a better price assessment.


Radionuclide angiography:


An extremely small amount of radioactive material called a radionuclide is injected into the bloodstream through the arm during radionuclide angiography, which is also known as RNA. With this material and a scanning gadget, doctors can see how blood cells move inside an organ like the heart. The results of the ECG are compared with data from the gamma camera to see how the muscle is working. RNA helps researchers find heart problems like heart failure, cancer, and scarring on the heart muscle.




Aortography is a common way to look for peripheral arterial disease. Doctors can learn more about the disease with X-ray images and a contrast dye. This image clearly shows the blockage in the aorta, the main artery that brings oxygenated blood to the lower body.


Trauma angiography:


The X-rays and contrast dye injected into the blood vessels during trauma angiography help find areas of severe artery damage. You should also consider this test in coronary artery angiography cost in India to get a better price assessment.


Tips to Reduce coronary artery angiography cost in India


Some people can’t afford angiograms, which makes it hard for numerous people to get them. It is possible to lower the coronary artery angiography cost in India by doing these things.


Pay attention to your insurance:


You should call your insurance company to make sure that the angiogram test is covered before you go ahead with the treatment. You might save money if your insurance company is willing to pay some of the cost. It will help you reduce coronary artery angiography cost in India effectively.


Compare the cost:


Find out how much different medical centers charge for angiograms before you make an appointment. Choose the hospital that treats you better and costs less to reduce coronary artery angiography cost in India effectively.


Negotiate the cost:


Individuals without insurance or whose insurer refuses to pay will need to bear the coronary artery angiography cost in India themselves. Try to come to an agreement with the hospital or healthcare provider to get some money.


Avoid unnecessary tests:


Your doctor will help you pay for only the extra tests you need if you tell them how much money you have. Unnecessary tests can make you pay more for coronary artery angiography cost in India, which might affect your wallet.


Check for a payment plan:


Some hospitals have made it easy for people to pay for coronary artery angiography cost in India over time. Prior to getting an angiogram, make sure to ask the doctor if they provide this service.


Use shared rooms:


If the price of a single room is too high for you, there may be other rooms that are less expensive.


Average angiography procedure cost in India


Coronary artery angiography cost in India differ in different states so that people can get the best deal. Most of the time, it costs between 240 USD and 750 USD.


  • The cost of a CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA) is usually between 110 USD and 190 USD.
  • In India, a computed tomography (CT) study of the lungs can cost between 100 USD and 200 USD.
  • The price of an angiography with a CT scan in India can be anywhere from 100 USD to 200 USD.


Cities for coronary artery angiography treatment Coronary artery angiography cost in India in USD
Coronary angiography cost in Hyderabad 240 USD – 490 USD
Coronary angiography cost in Bangalore 300 USD – 690 USD
Coronary angiography cost in Chennai 300 USD – 700 USD
Coronary angiography cost in Mumbai 400 USD – 750 USD
Coronary angiography cost in Pune 300 USD – 720 USD
Coronary angiography cost in Gurgaon 300 USD – 700 USD
Coronary angiography cost in Delhi 240 USD – 540 USD
Coronary artery angiography cost in India 240 USD – 750 USD


Top 5 Hospitals for Coronary Artery Disease Treatment in India


  1. Max Hospital
  2. Fortis Hospital
  3. Apollo Hospitals
  4. Narayana Institute of Cardiac Sciences
  5. Lilavati Hospital And Research Center




What is coronary angiography?


There is a test coronary angiography that uses X-rays to look at the coronary arteries of the heart and see if there are any blockages in the blood flow. The coronary veins are vital for getting blood to the heart’s muscle, which is important. A heart attack, which is the death of heart muscle cells, can happen when one of the coronary arteries is stopped.


How long does the Angiography process take?


If everything is done right, the angiography usually takes one to two hours to finish. There will be times when it takes longer. There are times when the interventional radiologist does more than one treatment simultaneously as the angiography. This may be an angioplasty. The process takes a lot longer, which makes things even worse.


How much does coronary artery angiography cost in India?


Coronary artery angiography cost in India usually range between 240 USD and 750 USD. On the other hand, it might cost differently depending on the hospital, the location, the type of angiography, and any extra services or benefits.


Is the process of coronary artery angiography painful?


The coronary artery angiography process involves putting a catheter, a thin, flexible tube, into an artery so that a certain part of the artery can be viewed. During this procedure, the tube might be moved around a bit, but it shouldn’t be painful.


How many times can angiography be done?


How often a coronary angiography is done depends on the current state of health of the patient and the need for constant tracking. This process can be done more than once to find out how coronary artery disease is getting worse or how well treatments that have been used in the past are working.


Can someone walk again after the coronary artery angiography?


As long as everything goes as planned, you should be able to stand up and move around after a few hours of treatment. Suppose you experience any negative effects on your health after the surgery. In that case, you need to let your medical professionals know.


Does CT angiography pose any risks?


Angiography with computed tomography (CT) is safe because it only exposes patients to a very small amount of radiation. Aside from that, the chance of being exposed to radiation during a CT scan is very low. While unlikely, there is a chance that you will have an allergic reaction after the process is over.


What is the cost of angiography in Delhi, India?


Coronary artery angiography in Delhi, India, costs between 240 USD and 540 USD. On the other hand, the price may change based on a number of things, such as the hospital you choose, the level of support your insurance policy provides, and the type of hospital accommodations you choose for your stay.


Does health insurance cover coronary artery angiography expenses?


There are insurance companies that will pay for half or all of the medical care that you need. Before going through the therapy, you should check with your insurance company to see if it is covered.


Who needs to get a coronary artery angiography?


During angiography, doctors look at people who might have clogs in their blood vessels, especially in the coronary arteries. People who have this condition are examined. These tools are used to look for symptoms of heart problems, like chest pain or trouble breathing, especially in people who are more likely to have heart problems.


Can angiography remove heart blockage?


To answer your question, no, an angiography test does not have the capability of removing blockage from the blood vessels. When combined with angioplasty treatment, it might help the blood vessels get bigger, which would then restore the normal flow of blood. An angioplasty is a medical treatment used to open up blood vessels that are too narrow. A “balloon inflation” technique is used during an angiography treatment, and a stent is put into the patient’s artery.


What is the time for the artery to heal after an angiogram?


Recovery time after an angiogram (coronary angiography) can be variable for each person. Anywhere from a few hours to a day after the treatment, the puncture site in the artery will usually heal. Patients are often told to limit their physical action for a short time after treatment to ensure they recover properly.


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