Placenta Previa: Types, Causes, And Symptoms

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

During the pregnancy, the placenta is used to provide the oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby from the mother’s bloodstream. The term placenta previa means, that the placenta has implanted at the bottom of the uterus, covering the cervix.


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When the baby is about to born, the cervix dilates to allow the baby to move out of the uterus and into the vagina. The baby moves from the uterus to the cervix through the birth canal during a vaginal delivery. Usually, the placenta is attached toward the top of the uterus and away from the cervix. When a woman has placenta previa, the baby can’t be born vaginally, as your cervix opens during labor, it can cause blood vessels to tear, that connects the placenta to the uterus. It can lead to bleeding and put you and your’s baby life at risk. So, the women with this condition have a C-section to keep this from happening.




What are the Types of Placenta Previa?



There are three types of placenta previa:


Complete Previa: Occurs when the placenta covers the opening to the cervix completely.


Partial Previa: Occurs when the placenta covers the opening to the cervix only partially.


Marginal placenta Previa: occurs when the placenta does not cover the cervix opening only lies close to it.


A vaginal birth may be possible if you have partial or marginal Previa, But your doctor can suggest you a C-section for complete placenta previa.




What are the Causes of Placenta Previa?



Well, there is not any well-known cause of placenta previa, but it is associated with certain conditions including the following:


  • Scarring of the uterine wall from previous pregnancies.


  • Fibroids or other abnormalities of the uterus.


  • Previous uterine surgeries or cesarean deliveries.


  • Age above than 35.



  • Placenta previa in a previous pregnancy.



What are the Symptoms of Placenta Previa?


The most common symptom of placenta previa is vaginal bleeding that is bright red and not comes with pain or abdominal tenderness, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy. However, every woman can experience different symptoms of the condition or symptoms may resemble other medical problems or conditions. Always consult your gynecologist for a diagnosis.


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What are the Possible Complications of Placenta Previa?


Here is a list of complications of placenta previa include:


  • Major hemorrhage (bleeding) for the mother


  • A shock from blood loss


  • Fetal distress due to lack of oxygen


  • Premature delivery or labor


  • Health risks to the baby, if delivered prematurely


  • Any time emergency cesarean delivery


  • Hysterectomy, if the placenta will not come away from the uterine lining


  • Blood loss for the baby


  • Death.



What are the Prevention and Treatment of Placenta Previa?


Well, there’s no way to prevent placenta previa, once you’ve been diagnosed and have reached your third trimester, your gynecologist will recommend measures to ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery, especially if you experience any bleeding. These might include:


Pelvic Rest: This means abstaining from intercourse, discontinuing any use of vaginal douches or tampons, and foregoing pelvic exams.


Increased Fetal Monitoring: Your doctor may want to keep an eye on your baby to make sure that his movements are consistent and heartbeat remains strong.


Hospital care: Your doctor may recommend you complete bed rest it will clearly benefit women with placenta previa. So your practitioner may want you to remain at a hospital until your delivery, especially if you’ve had a bleeding incident, in order to monitor you and your baby continuously.


You’ll also want to keep an eye for any symptom of preterm labor, which is very common with placenta previa.



Well, here we have discussed placenta Previa, its type, causes, symptoms, and treatment as well. If you are pregnant and found any of the above symptoms or signs of placenta previa or bleeding then you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. Follow the instruction given by the doctor.


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