Aneurysms : A Ballooning Area in an Artery

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z

Aneurysms are the ballooning and weakened area in an artery. It is a bulge in the wall of an artery and it can develop and grow for years sometimes, without causing any signs and symptoms. Today we are going to talk about aneurysms and how it can be dangerous to your health.


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What is Aneurysms?


It is a lump or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain. Which looks like a berry which is hanging on a stem. It can leak or rupture, causing bleeding in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Most often a ruptured brain aneurysm appears in the space between the brain and the thin tissues covering the brain.


A ruptured disease easily becomes life-threatening and requires prompt medical treatment. However, most brain aneurysms don’t rupture. They create health problems or cause symptoms like- aneurysms which are often detected during tests for other conditions.


What are the Symptoms of Aneurysms?


There are some symptoms such as:


Ruptured Aneurysm


1. Sudden and extremely severe headache


2. Nausea and vomiting


3. Stiff neck


4. Blurred or double vision


5. Sensitivity to light


6. Seizure


7. A drooping eyelid


8. Loss of consciousness


9. Confusion


Leaking Aneurysms


In a few cases, it may leak a slight amount of blood. This leaking (sentinel bleed) may cause only :


1. Sudden and extremely severe headache


2. A more severe rupture often follows leaking


Unruptured Aneurysms


Unruptured brain a bulge produces no symptoms, particularly if it’s small. Although, a larger unruptured bulge may press on brain tissues and nerves, possibly causing:


1. Pain above and behind one eye


2. A dilated pupil


3. Change in vision or double vision


4. Numbness of one side of the face


What are the Causes of Aneurysms?


This usually develops as people age, becoming more common after 40. It is also possible to have a blood vessel defect at birth. It moves to format the fork of blood vessels, places where they branch off because those sections tend to be weaker. They are more commonly found in the base of the brain.


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What are the Risk Factors of Aneurysms?


A large number of factors can contribute to weakness in an artery wall and increase the risk of a brain bulge or bulge rupture. These risk factors develop over time; others are present at birth.


Risk factors that develop over time, include:


1. Older age


2. Smoking


3. High blood pressure (hypertension)


4. Drug abuse, particularly the use of cocaine

Heavy Alcohol Consumption


Rare types of aneurysms may appear after a head injury or from certain blood infections.


Risk Factors Present at Birth


Following conditions from birth to date can be associated with an elevated risk of developing a brain aneurysm. These include:


1. Inherited connective tissue disorders, like- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which weaken blood vessels.


2. Polycystic kidney disease, an inherited disorder which results in fluid-filled sacs in the kidneys and usually increases blood pressure.


Abnormally Narrow Aorta


It is the large blood vessel which delivers oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body.


1. Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation


It is an abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain that interrupts the normal flow of blood between them.


The family history of a brain aneurysm, particularly a first-degree relative, such as a parent, brother, sister, or child.


How to Treat Aneurysms?


There are two main treatment options for this disease.


Surgical Clipping


It is a procedure to close off a disorder. The surgeon (neurosurgeon) abolish a section of your skull to access the aneurysm and locates the blood vessel that feeds the disorder. Then the doctor places a tiny metal clip on the neck of the aneurysm to stop blood flow to it.


Endovascular Coiling


It is a less invasive procedure than surgical clipping. The neurosurgeon put a hollow plastic tube (catheter) into an artery, usually in your groin, and threads it through your body to the aneurysm.


The surgeon uses a guide wire to push a soft platinum wire through the catheter and into the aneurysm. The wire coils up inside the aneurysm and disrupt the blood flow and essentially seals off the aneurysm from the artery.




Today, we have discussed aneurysms and its symptoms, causes, risk factors, and most importantly the treatment. The best and effective way to cure this is surgery. If you feel any of the above symptoms, consult a doctor as soon as possible.


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