5 Health-Related Mistakes of 2018 Should Avoid in 2019

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

2018 is over and 2019 entered with some mindblowing parties and new year resolutions. Well, it is a bit difficult to stick on the new year resolutions you make, but make sure that you learn from your health-related mistakes in the past and do not repeat them in the New Year 2019.

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When it comes to health, the truth is that we tend to become too careless with it. It is not intentional it happens to due to our inability to manage time or sometimes its just laziness. But you need to put at least an hour to keep yourself healthy and fit. So, here is the list of few health-related mistakes that you should avoid in 2019.


Health-Related Mistake of 2018 Should Not Repeat in 2019

Donating to the Gym

Are you donating your hard earned money to the gym and actually not availing the services of it? Usually, we get motivated enough to take membership of any gym but after a day or two or maybe a week, we stop going there and just let our money go to waste. In this 2019, do not repeat this mistake again and don’t let your money go waste instead avail the facility and sweat it out.

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Cheat More Than Once a Week

Cheating not in a relationship, but on your diet. Cheating once a week in your diet is acceptable, but if you are doing it more than once, then you are not supposed to complain about weight loss plans not working properly or your diet. Do not repeat this health-related mistake of cheating on your diet too often.

Not Enough Water

Almost everyone is guilty of not drinking the required amount of water in a day. If you are the one who has done the same health-related mistake in 2018, then you should not repeat it in 2019. Drink enough water and you will realize a lot of your health issues disappear by its own.

Ignoring Your Hair

Are you fed up with hair fall and complaining about it, but you know it well that you are responsible for it. Always wash your hair with the shampoo that suits best to your hair. Don’t experiment with it, while changing it every month. Do massage with oil to your hair every weekend to conditioned and hydrated.

Ignoring Your Skin

Skin is the part of the body that gets the least attention. Even we don’t realize that it really needs to be taken care of, both externally and internally. Practicing the right morning and night skincare routine are parts of skin care. Usually, we ignore these which leads to little damage each day. Don’t be lazy and wash your face and apply your cream before going to bed, and let your skin breathe.


Well, these are the common mistakes you all have been done in 2018. So, now it’s time to take a resolution that these health-related mistakes will not be repeated again in 2019. Moreover, the objective of avoiding these mistakes is to be fit and healthy not only in 2019 but for lifelong.

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