Diet for Dialysis Patient : It Help You to Manage The Condition

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


We all are aware that once our kidneys are damaged, it becomes difficult for the body to purify the waste that is regularly collected inside the body. This is why we resolve to process like dialysis which is the artificial cleaning of the blood and the wastes deposited. As the process is artificial, certain restrictions like food habits are involved. It becomes important to check your diet for dialysis so that you do not hamper the process which might bring further problems.


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Why is it Important to Follow a Diet for Dialysis?


When the dialysis treatment sessions are taking place, wastes can build up in your blood and make you sick. In order to reduce waste build-up, you have to control what you eat and drink. You can match what you eat and drink with what your kidney treatments remove. There are some food choices that might lead to a more frequent and faster way of waste build-up. If your blood contains too much waste, your kidney treatment session may not remove them all.



What Must be Consumed in a Diet for Dialysis?


Here are some reminders that one can keep in mind while we are making a diet for dialysis. You have to understand why it is necessary to follow the diet. If we do not follow a proper diet, the whole point of going under a dialysis process is nullified. We already have lost the capability of removing toxins through natural ways, and if even the dialysis process is hampered, the body suffers a great loss.



1) Check on the calories:


The high-calorie diet will make the waste removal process lengthy as well as difficult as they produce huge amount of waste. A person on dialysis will not be able to cope up with the process.



2) Take an adequate amount of protein:


We know that protein is important for the body, but we should also know that it is one of the most time taking nutrient for our body to digest. It has to be taken in an amount that does not hamper the dialysis process.


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3) Food That is Low in sodium:


Most people should limit the amount of sodium in their diet regardless of kidney disease. Salt is not the only medium of sodium intake, most of the food we eat have sodium. This is because sodium is naturally found in all different types of foods, and more commonly in packaged and processed foods. It is responsible for increasing thirst and hence increasing the water level in the body. As a result, weight gain from fluid arises and consequently, an increase in blood pressure can be observed.


4) A low Phosphorus Diet:


As the kidneys become less effective at filtering waste products, chances of increase for the blood phosphate level ae very high. When it starts building up in the blood, calcium is drawn from the bone. The calcium phosphate product forms hard deposits in patient’s tissues leading to a lot of other skin and blood vessel problems.


5) Fluid Control:


It is important that fluids are kept under control. Dialysis patients are incapable of excreting large quantities of fluids that usually consume therefore, excess fluid can be retained in the body resulting in overloading of the blood circulation. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, high blood pressure and swelling of the legs can occur if there is too much fluid in the body.


6) Include Garlic and Onions:


Garlic helps prevent plaque from forming on your teeth, lowers cholesterol and reduces inflammation. At the same time, the two ingredients help keep the process of dialysis unhampered.


Diet Chart For The Dialysis Patient:



Diet for Dialysis Patient It Help You to Manage The Condition



When Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) progresses results in the patient opting for dialysis, diet continues to play a very important role in a patient’s life for recovery. A well-balanced diet is necessary for them to stay fit as their kidneys are no longer functioning at its full capacity. Thus a diet for dialysis is a must to be formed and followed by the patients. Our health experts would provide you with the right diet only on our website!


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