Do’s And Don’t For This Summer, Keep It Cool

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


Summer is already in, and this time you have to be well prepared to make the best of it. We know you had plans which are now sadly canceled. This gives you no right to spoil the summer. You must keep up with your health none the less. There are Dos and Don’ts for this summer that you must give a check to. A lot of sweating and too much humidity is what we have to be prepared for.


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Read these Do’s and Don’ts for this summer loud


Bathing suits and comfort cloth season is back. If you are still not ready, then before you prep yourself, you must see what are the dos and don’ts for this summer.


1. DO Keep the water levels up


It is understood that summer is a call for carrying water bottles around. Yet, during summer it is more important to keep your water levels all up and about. So, the first among the Do’s and Dont’s for this summer is, do keep drinking water to not fall prey to dehydration.


2. Don’t be an overachieving gym freak


Most of us think, that sweating in the gym for hours is the best in summer, but no! A good rigorous session of about 1-2hrs is enough. When you exercise at high temperatures, your body loses a lot. It is not a good weight or health routine. Do as much as is necessary.


3. DO eat all the yummy fruits


From Watermelons to Banana to Apples, do not leave any fruit. Take enough vitamins and minerals to keep your body healthy and cool this summer. How can you forget about the season of “king of fruits” mango! Enjoy them as much as you can. Keep it on priority for Do’s and Dont’s for this summer!


4. Don’t choose oily food


During summer, it’s important for those with gastric problems to take care and avoid eating oily, spicy food. If you suffer from piles, acidity, gastric, or mouth ulcers it’s important that you don’t aggravate the condition by eating oily or spicy food. Keep the oily and spice to the minimum to add to the flavor, not more.


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5. DO Fight Fat at Night


Those eight hours after your head hits the pillow aren’t just for dreaming. While you sleep, your body actually repairs and rebuilds your muscles. But, if you eat too close to bedtime, your body will spend its energy digesting the food in your tummy and not recuperating your muscles. We are sure this one is a must, Do’s and Dont’s for this summer!


6. Don’t starve yourself


Research does show you can lose unwanted weight by starving yourself. The problem is that up to 50% of that weight loss comes from muscle tissue, not from fat. And that sets you up for pure disaster. Note that as an important Do’s and Dont’s for this summer!


7. DO make healthy replacements


Not just in food but in your lifestyle. Drink and smoke, less. Keep your fruits near and fats far. It will only help to keep you in health this summer.


8. Don’t stay under the sun for long


Do’s and Dont’s for this summer cannot go without a warning that tells you “stay home”. During summer the hot wind and the scorching heat might give you a sunstroke which can be dangerous.


We hope that your Do’s and Dont’s for this summer are all set and you are ready for the “hot waves”. In case you need any medical assistance, online consultation, you can download our GoMedii app or visit our website!


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