Low Cost Medical Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa!

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Skin as our part of the body is also highly neglected. It is actually debatable how the first signs of sickness are shown on the skin and we deny that it is there. Here, while handling one of the queries from Maldives at GoMedii, we came across a condition. The query by Rosetta was Medical Treatment for Hidradenitis suppurativa.


As per the query, the treatments and right attention were needed and the patient had no idea what it was. We made sure she takes the best of the consultation and decide to go for the further process.


Rosetta after being convinced that she will be well treated for the condition chose to fly to India as her medical tourism destination. Understanding the fact that many of us might be unaware like her, we are going to tell you in detail, what exactly is Medical Treatment for Hidradenitis suppurativa.


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What Is Hidradenitis Suppurativa?



Hidradenitis suppurativa is an extremely painful skin disease involving the hair follicles and sweat glands. You must have also heard it as “acne inversa”. This condition usually begins with the appearance of pimple-like bumps on the skin.

Do not get scared, it is a condition and you can be cured. It takes longer than usual but one must not give up hope, just like Rosetta!


What Is Medical Treatment For Hidradenitis Suppurativa?



A lot of many treatments from basic medication to surgery and therapies have been suggested. When Rosetta came to India, she was kept under observation with a daily medicine dose to see if that works and lessens the pain. Unfortunately, that was not the case. So, here is the Medical treatment for Hidradenitis suppurativa.


Hormone therapy


HS is thought to somehow be related to the hormones called androgens. These changes can actually lead to making the signs worse.

What are these? These are the ones, such as during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy, which may worsen HS symptoms.

If hormones are behind this then the doctor may recommend hormone therapy as a potential treatment option. Hormone therapy may help to decrease pain and reduce the amount of fluid draining from HS lesions during a flare-up.


Light and laser treatments


No, we are not talking about laser swords or something. This is not Starwars! We are talking about therapy using the photosynthesizing technique.

Several energy sources may be considered to help treat HS. These are typically used for moderate to severe HS but can also be used for mild cases. One of these techniques involves using a laser to treat active lesions.


How Does This Work?


The energy from the laser can destroy hair follicles, helping to clear HS lesions. This type of therapy may involve three to four laser treatment sessions.


What Triggers Hidradenitis Suppurativa?



A lot many things can be the reason and cause. One of them can be that the hair follicles are blocked. The other can be also due to obesity and at the same time your lifestyle. Smoking has been associated with the condition too.


Does Hidradenitis Suppurativa Go Away?


Early detection of the condition can do a lot of help. It was a good chance for our patient that she realized what she was going through and took a step in the direction.


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Is Hidradenitis Suppurativa A STD?



No! Hidradenitis Suppurativa is not an STD. It cannot spread during sexual activity. HS is often misdiagnosed as an STD when it presents in the genitals, groin/buttock area.


Is HS An Autoimmune Disease?


If you think that Medical Treatment for Hidradenitis suppurativa is tough because it might be auto-immune, then there is a problem. As of now, it is not categorized as under. It is, however, though to be an auto-inflammatory condition. Scroll up to know the treatments that are available.


What Does Hidradenitis Suppurativa Look Like?


We do not want to gross you out but need to let you know. They are multiple bumps at skin folding. You can also find them pus-filled. Do you have any symptoms and signs of such? Well, call us or drop your query now!


Is It A Hidradenitis Suppurative Or Something Else?


There are times that HS is actually mistaken by some of the other skin conditions. It is however not really the same. It is even thought that you might be suffering from STD if you have these marks at places near the groin and crotch.


How Do You Tell Someone You Have HS?



You should not be scared or shy to express your discomfort. It is no shame in telling people that you are suffering from a skin condition. It is, however, easier by getting a better diagnosis.


How Do You Get Rid Of The Hidradenitis Smell?


Skin infections and diseases can be a little difficult due to the smell. It is however easy to get rid of them if you want to. You can drop your queries at our website for this!


Choose GoMedii For Hidradenitis Suppurative Treatment

GoMedii is associated with top-class hospitals and doctors and we assure you that all the medical care treatment facilities give you a better experience. If you choose GoMedii then we will help you in all the possible ways. If you want to get the treatment, simply drop your queries on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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