Mind Relaxation Techniques During The LockDown, Stay Positive

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


It is easy to convince ourselves that things will be normal after lockdown. Yet, we know that it never will be. Things have taken the most drastic turns in the past few months. It is not only the body immunity that you have to take care of but also your mental health.


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Mind relaxation techniques during the lockdown are important as it only enables us to keep ourselves calm and take the changes well. So, how do you keep your mental health in place, while you are stuck in this lockdown? We have a few tricks for you here!


Mind relaxation techniques during the lockdown


Let us put our mental health at priority and know what ways we can choose, in order to relax our mind and soul during this lockdown.


Meditate and calm yourself down


With so many news and rumors around, you are bound to feel low. You cannot stay away from them as they are the information you need to know. So, to bring in the positivity, meditate and calm yourself down.


Be realistic about the risk


95% of people who have contracted the new coronavirus to date have recovered or are recovering. If you and your loved ones act on the government advice the strong likelihood is you will remain safe. You do not have to panic, because if you do, people around you panic too. This would just make the situation worse.


Watch the right kind of news


Not every news these days is true or might be useful. Some just increase anxiety and scare, Stay away from such news! Watch yourself for the content you are taking in.


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Do some exercise


Not only is exercise a great stress reliever, but it can also help strengthen immunity. One of the Mind relaxation techniques during the lockdown can be a headstand. Learn the techniques and try them. It helps in both, immunity building and also keep you at peace.


Treat yourself


Tasty food, great music, a good book or a long, hot bath – whatever helps you, or just some time to yourself (especially if you’re self-isolated at home with family). Cooking can be and is proving to be one of the Mind relaxation techniques during the lockdown. Bring out the chef in you!


Maintain a daily routine


Create a new daily routine based around your stay-at-home life. Having a sense of structure is important – especially for younger children and families.


Have a good cry


Crying is the body’s way of releasing stress when things become too much. Sometimes the simple act of letting go of your emotions allows you to clear your mind and reset. It clears your headspace and is one the most underrated Mind relaxation techniques during the lockdown.


Remember it will come to an end


Right now every day may seem like forever. But we can already see countries who’ve been badly impacted by coronavirus coming out of it and returning to normal. We will too. Think positively because nothing works better as a Mind relaxation techniques during the lockdown than staying positive!


We hope that in this fight you face your fears with the above Mind relaxation techniques during the lockdown. Stay home and stay safe. Follow the guidelines as prescribed and keep yourself healthy in all ways!


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