Postpartum Depression: Know the Ways to Deal With It

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z


For women, there are so many roles which she beautifully plays but what about her feelings. When a woman is finally giving birth to a child she starts facing so many pain struggle whatnot but it won’t end. After the childbirth, she starts facing postpartum depression which is normal but problematic. The women start experiencing such symptoms like – lost feeling, loneliness, depressed, empty and sad feeling. To know more about postpartum depression, read the entire blog.


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Define Postpartum Depression:


Postpartum depression means the time after childbirth and the mother start or feels sad or empty, within a few days of giving birth. Feeling numb, lost, hopeless or empty after giving birth to a child is not a regular or expected part of being a mother.


Postpartum depression is a serious illness which includes the brain and affects behavior and physical health. If you already have depression, then sad or empty feelings don’t go away and can interfere with your day-to-day life. You might feel separate to your baby, as if you are not the baby’s mother, or you might not love or care for the baby. These feelings can be mild to severe. In some conditions, mothers can also experience anxiety disorders during or after pregnancy.


What are the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?


Here, are some common signs and symptoms of postpartum depression include:


  • A feeling of being overwhelmed and trapped


  •  Low mood


  • A sensation of being rejected


  • Crying a lot


  • Feeling guilty


  • Frequent irritability


  • Headaches, stomach aches, blurred vision


  • Lack of appetite


  • Loss of libido



  • Persistent fatigue


  • Concentration problems


  • Reduced motivation



  • A feeling of inadequacy


  • An unexplained lack of interest in the new baby


  • A lack of desire to meet up or stay in touch with friends


Causes of Postpartum Depression :


There are two main causes of postpartum depression such as:


  • Physical changes. After birth, a dramatic drop in hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in your body may contribute to postpartum depression. Other hormones construct by your thyroid gland also may drop sharply which can leave you feeling tired, sluggish and depressed.


  • Emotional issues. It is normal to be worried and anxious about the ability to care for a newborn. You may experience less activeness, down and struggle with the sense of identity or feel which you’ve lost control over life. If you face any of these issues it can automatically contribute to postpartum depression.


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How to Deal With Postpartum Depression:


Here are a few ways to deal with postpartum depression such as:


1. Communicate


You may be tempted to keep your feelings to yourself, especially if you’re a naturally reserved person. But it might be helpful to talk things over with someone you trust. You may find out that you’re not alone and that others are willing to listen.


2. Fight isolation


Remaining in seclusion with your feelings can feed into depression. It’s not necessary to have a whirlwind social life, but do try to maintain your closest relationships. It can help you feel connected.


If you’re comfortable in a group setting, you can join a depression support group or a group specifically for new moms. If you’ve stopped participating in previously enjoyable group activities, try them again to see if it helps. Being in a group can help you focus on other things and relieve stress.


3. Cut back on chores


If you’re not up to chores and errands, let them go. Use your energy to take care of basic needs for you and your baby. If at all possible, enlist the help of family and friends.


4. Rest and Relax


After birth, the body and both spirits need a good sleep. If the baby doesn’t sleep for long periods, get someone to take a shift so you can sleep. If you have trouble drifting off, try a hot bath, a good book, or whatever helps you relax. Meditation and massage may also help you to ease some tension and fall asleep.


How is Postpartum Depression treated?


Here, are the treatment of postpartum depression include:


Talk Therapy: During therapy, talk to a therapist, psychologist, or social worker to learn strategies to change how depression makes you think, feel, and act.


Medicine: There are different types of medicines for postpartum depression. All of them must be prescribed by your doctor or nurse. The most common type is antidepressants. Antidepressants can help relieve symptoms of depression and some can be taken while you’re breastfeeding. Antidepressants may take several weeks to start working.


Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): This can be used in extreme cases to treat postpartum depression.



Here we have discussed, Postpartum Depression and its ways to manage this condition appropriately. This condition is treated through therapy and some medications. So be in contact with the doctor pre-birth to post-birth.


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