Alert, Parents! Know About Causes of Depression in Children and Adolescents

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


Childhood and adolescence are the most cherished times of our lives. We are free and careless, we have no responsibilities to handle and we can do whatever makes us happy. However, the sad truth of today is that even at this stage there might be many children and adolescents who might suffer from depression. Causes of depression in children and adolescent can haunt them for life long. It is always there in the subconscious mind of the child.


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Symptoms Relating to the Causes of Depression in Children and Adolescents.


There can be notable symptoms that one should look for in the kids and adolescents. They can be instilled in their regular behavior or can be different than how they react normally.


  • Feeling sad or angry most of the time.




  • Restlessness or feeling slowed down


  • Fatigue or low on energy all the time


  • Difficulty concentrating


  • Feeling worthless, excessively guilty, or tend to self-blame


  • Thoughts of death or suicide



As parents, you have to keep a check that these are not the signs that you see in your child. If you do then it is time you talk to your kid and get to know the causes of depression in children and adolescents. It is not just our responsibility but a duty to take care of the young kids who might not be able to express and understand their own condition.


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What can be the Causes of Depression in Children and Adolescents?


There can be a number of causes for depression, it is not just psychological but biological and environment as well. Here are a few causes that lead the condition in the child.




One of the biological causes of depression in children is a deficient level of the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is when some part of the brain has a smaller space to use than activities going on the other part of the brain. This is mostly seen in the girls who have to attend more than one chores of work.




These factors include much about what does the child think about himself. Peer pressure, low self-esteem, negative body image and always being under-confident are among the major reasons that might affect the thinking process of the child. ADHD is a psychological condition which might also lead to depression.




Peer pressure and bullying at different stages in life can have a very adverse effect on our brain. In India, the maximum number of suicides after farmers are that of young teenagers. Some of the heinous crimes like rape and murder also put a bad effect on the brain and this might drive your kid to depression.


Taking care of the little ones is important, they are the future and keeping them safe is our responsibility. It becomes extremely vital that causes of depression in children and adolescents are dealt with great concern.


There are studies done by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health which has brought out some facts regarding the causes of depression in children and adolescents. According to the study, “Depression may affect 2-8% of children and adolescents, with a peak incidence around puberty. It may be self-limiting, but about 40% of affected children experience a recurrent attack, a third of affected children will make a suicide attempt, and 3-4% will die from suicide.” You will always get help from our experts only on our website.


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