Depression In Kids : Causes, Symptoms and Ways to Avoid

Shikhar Atri

, Health A2Z


Depression is generally considered a mental disease of adults. But today, depression in kids is more common. When kids come under depression, they are unable to identify it. Symptoms of depression seen in children are slightly different from adults.


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If you want to protect your kid from depression then it is most important that you should know the symptoms. Because of this, your kid starts feeling very depressed and does not even concentrate on their work. If this happens often to your kids, then these problems remain in some kids for a long time. Then their mental health can also deteriorate.


Causes of Depression in kids


Depression is a serious disease, what are its causes :


  • Due to a bad lifestyle


  • Often and overeating of fast food


  • Most of the time watching tv and using mobile phones


  • History of depression in the family


  • Parent’s ill behavior and habitual scolding



  • Sometimes Environmental factors are also causes of depression in kids.


Symptoms of Depression in Kids


  • Often feeling irritability or anger


  • Feeling constantly sad or frustrated


  • Kids tend to stop talking with family members


  • Kids always feel lonely


  • Your kid feels tired most of the time


  • Always feel scared


  • Feeling sick most of the time


  • Loss of interest in fun activities


  • They can either be hungry all the time or avoid eating anytime


  • Having sleep problems


  • self-loathing


  • Kids cannot focus on their work


These are the major symptoms of depression in kids, but we will also tell you how to prevent them.


Why do kids have depression?


Depression can occur so many kids when they are bullied too much by other kids in school when it happens regularly then their self-esteem turn-down. Because of this, they get very stressed and they prefer to be live alone. If this happens to your kid regularly, then they come under pressure, it can also be the pressure of studies. The parents have to be taken care of by their kids.


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Ways to avoid depression in kids



Change in lifestyle


Depression in children is caused by his wrong lifestyle. Everyone, whether a child or older, should change their lifestyle in the event of depression. Especially children should make a routine from their homework to play. While the doctor also says that this can be an effective way to overcome the feelings of depression.

Send your child to school


If the parents see these symptoms of depression in kids then they should be alert. If your kid is scared to go to school, then there is something behind it. You can ask him why he /she is to go to school. Is anyone in the school who is bullied to your kid, maybe that’s why he doesn’t want to go to school.



Encourage your kid for playing 


Those children who are suffering from depression so all of them should participate in sports activities. He/She should play sports like cricket, tennis, volleyball, football, and badminton. If your kid is involved in sports activity then they do not feel depression and his mental health will also be good.



Try to sleep well


To keep your child away from depression, you must tell him that it is necessary to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep in a day. It will be better for his/her physical and mental health development. Doctors also say that if depression in kids or adults, so both of them must have to complete their sleep, this will keep you away from depression.



Do meditation or yoga


If your child has suffered from depression then you should get him meditation or yoga this will give him a lot of benefits. This will give you a full of positive energy and your kid always keep interested in doing their work. When your kids doing meditation or yoga so it’s good for their mental health.



Depression can either be temporary or long-lasting. These treatments might not be very effective, if you still see the symptoms of depression it is now time to seek professional help, meanwhile, the above mention treatments might help you to control the depression. For any kind of professional assistance do consult our doctor.


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