11 Pregnancy Discomforts and Management

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z


Pregnancy is indeed a wonderful feeling for a woman! When we heard that our close ones or any known woman are getting pregnant, in a fraction of minute we get so excited and happy and start counting days. But what about the pregnant woman? How she feels, how she manage, her discomforts which she faces while pregnancy, there are so many things behind pregnancy. So yeah, we can understand the whole situation so we are sharing 11 pregnancy discomforts and management.


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11 Pregnancy Discomforts and Management


1. Vomiting & Nausea


Most of the women experience nausea and sometimes vomiting in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Which is also known as morning sickness because symptoms are most acute in the morning. They may have nausea and vomiting throughout the pregnancy.


2. Morning Sickness


Morning sickness seems to be made worse by stress, traveling, and certain foods, like spicy or fatty foods. Have small meals some times a day can help lessen the symptoms of the morning sickness. A diet high in protein and complex carbohydrates (like whole-wheat bread, pasta, bananas, and green, leafy vegetables) may also help reduce the severity of nausea.


3. Constipation


Constipation is the major issue in pregnancy increased pressure from the pregnancy on the rectum and intestines can interfere with digestion and subsequent bowel movements. Hormonal changes can terribly slow down the food being processed by the body. To avoid this have a lot of fluids, regular exercise, and increasing the fiber in the diet are some of the ways to prevent constipation.


4. Insomnia


Hormonal changes are one of the biggest reasons for fatigue and sleep issues during pregnancy. These changes may have an inhibitory effect on muscles, which may result in snoring, and in heavier women increases the risk of developing sleep apnea.


5. Headaches and Migraines


In pregnancy, you may start experiencing headaches and migraines, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy due to hormonal changes. Proper nutrition and sufficient fluid intake also help to ease headache symptoms. But firstly you should consult a doctor online to share your condition and before taking any medicine for this condition. If you have some serious headache or a headache that does not resolve, consult your doctor immediately. It may also be a sign of preeclampsia.


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6. Heartburn


Indigestion and heartburn, caused by pressure on the intestines and stomach. Heartburn can be reduced or prevented by eating smaller meals throughout the day and by avoiding lying down shortly after eating.


7. Breathing Problem in Pregnancy


Shortness of breath can happen due to increased upward pressure from the uterus and changes in physiologic lung function. Because of the pressure, women start experiencing breathing issue.


8. Vaginal Discharge


Normal vaginal secretions increase during pregnancy due to greater blood supply and hormones. Normal vaginal discharge is considered as a white or clear transparent in color, isn’t irritating, is odorless, and may look yellow when dry on your underwear or panty liners.


9. Stretch Marks


Ohh it’s very very common to have pinkish stretch marks in pregnancy it usually appears on the stomach, breasts, thighs, or buttocks. Stretch marks are generally caused by a rapid increase in weight. The marks usually fade after pregnancy.


10. Hemorrhoids


Because of increased pressure on the rectum and perineum, the increased blood volume, and the increased likelihood of becoming constipated as the pregnancy progresses, hemorrhoids are common in late pregnancy. Avoiding constipation and straining may help to prevent hemorrhoids. Always check with your healthcare provider or midwife before using any medicine to treat this condition.


11. Fatigue


As the body works overtime to provide a nourishing environment for the fetus, it is no wonder a pregnant woman often feels tired. In the first trimester, her blood volume and other fluids increase as her body adjusts to the pregnancy. Sometimes anemia is the underlying cause of the fatigue. Anemia is a reduction in the oxygen-carrying capability of red blood cells. It is usually due to low iron levels. A simple blood test performed at a prenatal visit will check for anemia.


In the above-mentioned blog, we have discussed 11 Pregnancy Discomforts and Management. When you get pregnant you have to keep in touch with the doctor it’s necessary there is no other option.


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