Top 8 Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

As the time is passing the diseases of urinary tract infections is affecting more people every year. Although there are many ways to treat urinary tract infections such as it was traditionally treated with antibiotics, but are you aware of many home remedies which are available to treat and prevent urinary tract infections.


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Apart from this according to some physicians taking the only antibiotic is not the way to get over urinary tract infection symptoms. There are some home remedies for urinary tract infections that not only treat the infection but also helps in overcoming the infection.


Some home remedies for urinary tract infections don’t require a prescription as well as they are very simple to do home.


But before doing any type of home remedies for urinary tract infections you should always take advice from your doctor and be sure to check these remedies with your doctor before trying it. For example, there is a home remedy of mixing baking soda and water to fight a urinary tract infection but if a person takes too much of it, it can be risky for him.


A study published in the periodical “Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics” reveals that about 5 percent of baking soda related poisonings in California were from drinking baking soda in an attempt to treat the infection.


Today we will discuss 8 home remedies for urinary tract infections that are easily available in your home or you have to make some changes in your lifestyle. so, let’s get started.




Top 8 Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)


1. Drink More and More Water

Drinking plenty of water or being hydrated is very good for our body especially for UTIs because when you drink more water you need to go for pee very frequently. Through peeing or urination your body excretes the harmful bacteria from the body.



2. Increase Vitamin C Consumption

Do you the fact that consuming more vitamin C could protect you against from your urinary tract infections. Being acidic in nature vitamin C make urine more acidic and kills off infection-causing bacteria.


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3. Drink Unsweetened Cranberry Juice

Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice, you will naturally treat your urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice not only helps in UTIs but also packed with several nutrients to help your body away from infections and boost overall health.



4. Comfort UTI Pain With Heat

When you feel the pain, inflammation, and irritation due to UTIs around your pubic area, you can actually use a heating pad that can help soothe the area.



5. Remove Bladder Irritants Food or Components from Your Diet

Always remember to avoid caffeine, spicy food, alcohol, carbonated drinks, nicotine, and artificial sweeteners if you are suffering from UTI because it irritates the bladder.



6. Take Probiotic

Probiotics are the good microorganisms that are consumed within food or supplements. Basically, they promote a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut.


These probiotics usually found in fermented foods like kefir, kombucha, kimchi, and probiotic yogurt.



7. Taking More Natural Supplements

There are some natural supplements that help in decreasing the risk of developing a UTIs. Following are some natural supplements that help in the same including;

  • D-Mannose
  • Bearberry leaf
  • Cranberry extract
  • Garlic extract



8. Changes in Lifestyle

Making good and healthier lifestyle changes because these changes can help in recovering from UTIs and also prevent another type of infection.

  • Quit smoking and drinking.
  • Choose only fragrance-free personal hygiene products.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing and undergarments.





All the above-written home remedies for urinary tract infections are very useful for people with urinary tract infections. They are easy to acquire as well as easy to maintain and follow.


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