Types of Hernia: You Should Know All About It

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Have you ever seen a bulge or swelling around your abdominal area? If yes, it can be a hernia. Today, here we are exploring hernia and its types which can help you to self diagnose the disease and seek medical help as per the requirement. Well, a hernia is a bulging of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening. For detail, continue reading the blog.


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What is a Hernia?



A hernia is a disease which occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the tissue or muscle which holds it in place. Like, the intestines can break across a weakened area in the abdominal wall.


Hernias commonly occur in the abdomen, but it can also appear in the upper side of the thigh, groin areas and belly button. Well, hernias aren’t actually life-threatening, but it doesn’t go away on their own. Sometimes it needs surgery to prevent dangerous complications.



What are the Types of Hernia?



Well, there are various types of hernias. Usually, these hernias actually don’t hurt, but generally, you can see a bulge or lump in your belly or groin. These hernias usually don’t go away without treatment, which often means surgery. The common type of hernia are:



Inguinal Hernia



One of the most common types of hernias is Inguinal hernias. It is about 70 percent of all hernias, according to the British Hernia Centre (BHC). Inguinal hernias occur when the intestines push through a tear or weak spot in the lower abdominal wall, generally in the inguinal canal. It is found in your groin.



In men, it’s the area from where spermatic cord passes from the abdomen to the scrotum. This cord is used to holds up the testicles. In women, it contains a ligament which helps to hold the uterus in place. This type of hernia is common in men as compared to women.



Hiatal Hernia


A hiatal hernia happens when a part of your stomach extend up through the diaphragm into your chest cavity. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle which helps you to breathe by contracting and drawing air inside the lungs. It separates the organs in your abdomen from the organ in your chest.



This hiatal hernia is usually common in people over 50 years old. If a child has this type of hernia then it’s typically caused by a congenital birth defect. This hernia is usually caused by gastroesophageal reflux, It happens when the stomach contents leak backward into the esophagus which causes a burning sensation.


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Umbilical Hernia



This umbilical hernia can occur in children and babies under 6 months old. It happens when their intestines bump through their abdominal wall around the belly button. You can notice a bulge near your child’s bellybutton, especially when they’re crying.


An umbilical hernia is the only kind of hernia which usually goes away on its own as the abdominal wall muscles get stronger, typically by the time your child is around 1 year old. If the hernia hasn’t gone away on its own by this point, surgery may be used to treat it.



Incisional Hernia


This type of hernia can happen after you’ve had any abdominal surgery. During the surgery, intestines may push through the incision scar or the surrounding, weakened tissue.



Femoral Hernia



A femoral hernia usually occurs when the tissue bulges from the lower belly into the upper thigh which is just under the groin crease. Generally, it occurs more often in women than in men.


A type of hernia can be difficult to hard to diagnose. A femoral hernia may be too small for your doctor to experience while a physical exam. It may need other tests to diagnose. Often it is found when a part of the intestine is confined and blood supply to the tissue is cut off. It is also called a strangulated hernia which requires emergency surgery.



Epigastric Hernia



An epigastric hernia happens when fat pushes via a weak part of the belly wall. It usually occurs in the middle of the belly between the belly button or navel and the breastbone. Generally, these hernias are very small. You can have this hernia more than one at a time.


It often has no symptoms. But it causes pain in the upper belly. Your doctor may suggest surgery to repair an epigastric hernia.





Sometimes a hernia can be painful and sometimes times it can be without pain it depends upon the place and the type of hernia. Whatever the type is, you should not ignore it and should consult a doctor for the better option of treatment.


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