5 Tips For Your Treatment In India During Summer

International patients from across the world travel to India for their treatments. India is a very desirable destination for world-class treatments at affordable costs. Many of these medical tourists travel to India for the first time. Though most patients associated with GoMedii tend to enjoy their stay in India, there are a few things that are best prepared for. If traveling to India for your treatment during summer, ensure you keep in mind a few things to ensure the best and most effortless stay in the country.


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These tips will also help international patients acclimatize better to the Indian climate, especially if seeking treatment in the summer.


At GoMedii, we work hand in hand with the best hospitals in India to provide international patients with world-class care at affordable rates. When patients seek treatment in India through GoMedii, their experience is as if they’ve become part of the GoMedii family.


This is because, with GoMedii, international patients need not worry about a single aspect of their treatment journey. From medical visa processes to treatment appointments and accommodation, GoMedii takes care of the entire itinerary. All the patient needs to do is come to India, seek treatment, and enjoy a retreat, a journey of healing.


Get an instant appointment or consultation regarding seeking treatment in India during the summer. Just drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Treatment in India during Summer Months

Since we at GoMedii take charge of our international patient’s journey, their stay in India tends to be comfortable and easy. However, a few things surprise even our patients as they enter the country and experience it. To that end, to inform our potential patients and travelers alike, here are a few ways you can prepare for your treatment in India during summer.


Hydration Is Key


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The first major thing that surprises travelers and international patients in India is the heat in the summer months! During peak summer, Indian metropolitan cities and most of the country can get significantly hot. So while heading to your appointments and treatments, hydrate! Carry ample drinking water, and make sure you’re always drinking to avoid the effects of significant dehydration.


According to a 2018 study, spending just a few hours in the heat without any fluids or food can greatly affect mental strength. That can be a significant issue while consulting doctors and trying to understand key information regarding your treatment and condition.


Therefore, always carry a water bottle because safe drinking water may not be accessible everywhere.


They say when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Be open to trying out natural drinks that the locals consume during summers such as fresh coconut water, lemonade, chaach (buttermilk), and lassi (yogurt shake).


Avoid aerated drinks as much as possible. While the caffeine in them will give an instant kick, it will eventually lead to exhaustion and lethargy.


Wear Light Fabrics


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Fabrics like cotton and linen are great for absorbing sweat and heat and are very common for clothing in India in the summer months. Also, loose-fitting and light clothes are very important when commuting from your accommodation to your treatment as they’re best suited for the summer months.


Avoid synthetic clothing like nylon and polyester, and make sure you’re comfortably dressed for the weather. Loose and comfortable clothing will also make it easy for medical teams to conduct tests and for the patient to partake in those tests comfortably and easily.


Opt For Air Conditioned Transport



Traveling by public transport may not be the easiest experience especially in Indian traffic and heat. In fact, in some cases, this may even affect patients negatively based on their condition. Feel free to opt for air-conditioned cabs, buses, and private transports to get to your appointments and treatments easily without too much problem.

If on a budget, the metro or luxury buses are great options in most big cities.


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Accommodation Close To Your Hospital




To ensure minimum exposure to the elements, make sure your accommodation is close to where the patient is seeking treatment. This ensures minimum travel time as well as enabling you to save money on commute.


In the case of patients associated with GoMedii, this will have been taken care of by the relationship manager assigned to the patient. At GoMedii, w ensure patients get an easy and positive treatment experience in India, and ensuring accessible accommodation to our patients is only one of our responsibilities towards that endeavor.


Avoid Spicy Food


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Most cities in India are well known for flavourful and spicy food. However, this is something even the locals avoid too much of in peak hot months. Ensure you eat light and avoid eating fried and spicy food items. As mentioned in point one, it is important to take cold liquids and hydrate.


Salads with tubers such as cucumber and carrots are a good Indian indulgence that accompanies Indian food. Cucumbers are great tubers for keeping water content high in the body and help with keeping hydrated in the heat.


Pursue Treatment in India during Summer with GoMedii



At GoMedii, we are not only a medical tourism partner but a medical treatment partner. Ensuring that our patients have a stress-free and easy treatment experience in India is not only our promise but also our forte. Patients when they come to India for treatment speak highly of their experience, thanks to the hands-on efforts of the GoMedii team.


So if seeking treatment in India even during summer, rest assured that with GoMedii your treatment in India will be relaxed, easy and effortless.


Get an instant appointment or consultation regarding seeking treatment in India during the summer. Just drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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About GoMedii: GoMedii is a Healthcare Technology Platform That Works Out Your Treatment / Surgery the Way You Need & Plan. A Treatment partner that simplifies the patient journey at every step. Drop Your Queries for the most affordable & world-class treatment options.You may simply download the GoMedii app for Android or iOS.