How The Process of Surrogacy Became a Boon in My Life

Name: Sunidhi Sharma

Age: 32


Pregnancy Through Surrogacy


Being pregnant and giving birth to a newborn is the biggest blessing to any woman, but if any medical constraint comes in your way, it’s heartbreaking. And I am the one who faced this in my life and it was really depressing to me. But I didn’t lose my hope to be a mother and I decided to go for medical help which finally felt like a boon to me.


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After 2 years of my marriage, social pressure to conceive kids started undertaking me and I was aware that I can’t be a mom naturally because I have a very small uterus which is why I was not able to conceive a baby. Due to this issue, I never had my periods.


I discussed this with my husband that it is the time we had to think about another way to get the baby because I was not able to answer others who kept asking me why were we not trying. So, I spoke to one of my friends about adoption. As a good friend, she suggested to me to visit an IVF specialist doctor who could suggest another way to get baby.


After that, we decided to go to the IVF center for a consultation. Here the doctor suggested me to go for surrogacy and explained the entire process to me. She also made sure that she examined me thoroughly. She told me that my eggs were completely healthy to make an embryo which could be transferred into the surrogate and make her pregnant. It gave a big hope that we could also get our own baby. After 2 weeks, we went again to the doctor for confirmation about the treatment and the procedure started.


My doctor started finding a surrogate for me and after 3 weeks she found a lady. We wanted someone who was medically fit and ready to carry my baby for 9 months.


I was not able to express. There was nothing more important that this feeling of finally being able to have a baby. My happiness has no ends. That lady was like a boon to me. After fertilizing my eggs, the doctor artificially made an embryo by combining my husband’s sperm and my egg and did the ET (embryo transfer) to my surrogate.


2 weeks later after ET, the doctor called me and my surrogate for the pregnancy test. She did the HCG and urine test and the result was positive, it made me feel like the universe was all showering blessings. It was a wonderful feeling. My doctor allowed me to visit my surrogate whenever I wanted to meet her.


I used to frequently meet her throughout the pregnancy after meeting her, I felt like I myself was carrying the baby inside my womb. It was a beautiful journey for me to see my own baby growing day by day through ultrasound.


After 9 months, my surrogate delivered my beautiful baby boy who looks exactly like me. My family is completed now. I am very grateful to the lady who gave me the feeling of a mother and also to my doctor who made this impossible-seeming thing possible.


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