Pancreatic cyst treatment in India is done with surgery. The surgeries that are used to remove pancreatic cysts and pancreatic cancer are the same.
For some kinds of pancreatic lumps, surgery is the best way to get rid of them. Some lumps in the pancreas might be precancerous, which means they could turn into pancreatic cancer. But most pancreatic lumps are not cancerous. Let’s understand the procedure, risks, and cost of pancreatic cyst treatment in India in this article.
Types of Pancreatic cyst
Pseudocysts: You might get a pseudocyst, which is a common abnormal growth if you have pancreatitis. The pancreas can also get pseudocysts when through trauma.
Serous cystadenomas: Large serous cystadenomas that get so big that they move the organs around them can make your stomach ache a lot and make you feel full. In women aged 60 and up, serous cystadenomas are the most common type. These don’t go on to become cancer very often.
Mucinous cystic neoplasms: Most of the time, mucinous cystic neoplasms are found in the pancreas’s body or tail. The women most likely to have them are middle-aged. It is possible for mucinous cystadenoma to turn into cancer if it is not treated. It can turn into cancer if you don’t treat it. Cysts that are much bigger may already be cancerous when they are first found.
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN): This kind of growth can happen in the main pancreatic duct or one of its branches. This growth can become either precancerous or deadly. Men and women over 50 may both show signs of this problem. It might be necessary to have surgery to remove the IPMN growth depending on its location and other serious factors.
Solid pseudopapillary neoplasms: Pancreatic solid pseudopapillary neoplasms usually show up in the pancreas’s body or tail. A lot of the time, people younger than 35 get this. They don’t come around very often, and sometimes they can be cancerous.
Cystic neuroendocrine tumor: This kind of neuroendocrine tumor might have some parts that look like cysts, but the cancer is mostly solid. As they can be either precancerous or cancerous, they are sometimes confused for other types of pancreatic lumps.
Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cyst
These days, imaging tools are better at finding pancreatic cysts than ever before, so more of them are being found. These tools are used during abdomen scans to identify several medical conditions. People who have those conditions often see pancreatic cysts. To help with evaluation and planning possible treatments, your doctor may suggest imaging tests after getting a full medical history and doing a full physical exam. These tests might include;
CT scan: The purpose of computerized tomography (CT) scans is to assist doctors in identifying the issue. The diagnostic study results can tell you everything you need to know about the size and look of a pancreatic cyst.
MRI: The test will use a magnetic resonance imaging study. The imaging test might show some specific signs of a pancreatic cyst. The presence of substances that raise the chance of cancer could be one of these traits.
Endoscopic ultrasound: The ultrasound check-up with an endoscope. This test, which works a lot like an MRI, can really show what the cyst looks like. Additionally, the fluid from the cyst can be studied in the lab to look for signs of cancer.
MRCP: With magnetic resonance imaging (MRCP), cholangiopancreatography can be carried out. The best way to check for a pancreatic cyst is with magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography or MRCP. This type of imaging is very helpful if you want to look for lumps in the pancreatic duct.
Pancreatic cyst treatment in India
There are not many safe ways to treat pancreatic lumps right now, so the only thing that can be done is to keep a close eye on things. We do not need to fix a benign cyst because it does not hurt, so it does not matter how big it is. It is still very important to keep a close eye out for any expressions or signs that might show up.
Watchful waiting:
You do not have to worry about a pseudocyst, even if it’s big, as long as it doesn’t make you feel bad. But keep a close eye on it, keep this in mind. Cancer rarely grows in serous cystadenoma, so it can be left alone unless it starts to hurt or get bigger. However, we need to keep a close eye on some pancreatic cysts.
Endoscopic Drainage for pancreatic cyst treatment:
It is a very good way to treat people with pancreatic cysts that work very well. This treatment properly clears out the clogged bile ducts, and the painful symptoms of the condition are getting a lot better, like those in the back and abdomen. It is necessary to put a tube into the bile duct during the surgery. As a result, the pancreatic juice can be sent to either the stomach or the small intestine.
Percutaneous Catheter Drainage:
A medical treatment called percutaneous catheter drainage is used to get rid of the extra fluid that is blocking the pancreas and making it work less well. During the treatment, a very small tube is put into any part of the body. This gets rid of extra water and makes sure healthy organs function. In this picture, the tube is called a catheter, and it can be used to drain fluid quickly and well.
There are times when it may be best to use medicines to manage symptoms, reduce inflammation, or treat underlying conditions like pancreatitis.
Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT):
It can help digestion and make it easier for the body to receive nutrients when cysts in the pancreas make it hard to do their work.
Chemotherapy or Radiation:
Someone may use chemotherapy, radiation treatment, or a mix of the two to treat a pancreatic cyst that is cancerous or could become cancerous. Radiation therapy costs 4000 USD to 6000 USD whereas chemotherapy costs 300 USD to 800 USD per cycle.
Some types of pancreatic cysts can turn into cancer, so they need to be taken out medically. Your doctor may suggest surgery to remove a swollen pseudocyst or a serous cystadenoma if it is causing you discomfort or other symptoms.
Surgical procedures for Pancreatic cyst treatment in India
A huge number of people who have been told they have pancreatic cancer need surgery to get better. They can have surgery in three different ways: open, laparoscopic, or robotic. These are the choices that could be made, such as:
Potentially curative surgery:
This medical treatment may heal. Surgery is used to get rid of cancer completely when tests and investigations show that this is possible.
Staging laparoscopy:
The surgery is a keyhole while the person is asleep and under general anesthesia. In order to look inside the body with a laparoscope, three small cuts are made in the wall of the abdomen.
Bypass surgery:
This surgery is done that goes around the stomach. It is called a bypass operation. The flow of bile is moved from the common bile duct to the duodenum or small intestine as part of this treatment. Instead of surgery, this method can help people who don’t have a blocked bile duct feel better.
Whipple Procedure:
A “pancreatoduodenectomy,” which is another name for this surgery, is used to get rid of lumps in the head of the pancreas. The pancreatic head, the liver, the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine), a piece of the bile duct, and sometimes a piece of the stomach are taken out during this surgery.
Total pancreatectomy:
The surgery to remove the whole pancreas is known as a total pancreatectomy. When the cyst has damaged a lot of the organ itself, this surgery is what is done. A part of the bile duct, the gallbladder, the stomach, the lymph nodes next to the liver, and sometimes the spleen must also be taken out during the surgery. A lot of people don’t get it done because it doesn’t work better than less invasive treatments and could cause diabetes that is impossible to control. For people with long-term pancreatitis, surgery could cost anywhere from 4800 USD to 11900 USD.
Distal pancreatectomy:
This surgery takes out the part of the pancreas that has the cyst. This treatment is meant to get rid of the cyst. A pancreas has three parts that are made like a fish. These are called the “head,” “body,” and “tail.” The middle part of the pancreas, called the body, is taken out during surgery which is known as a central pancreatectomy. When a lower pancreatectomy is done, the tail is cut off. The spleen and the tail of the pancreas are structurally related, so the spleen may be taken out at the same time as the distal pancreatectomy. A splenectomy is the name for this.
Palliative surgery:
Certain surgeries, like nerve blocks to stop pain messages in the nervous system or stent insertions to clear blockages, are not cancer-directed surgeries because they don’t remove cancerous invasive tissue. Instead, they are called palliative surgeries. Hospice surgery has nothing to do with getting rid of cancer either.
Procedure of Pancreatic Cyst Treatment in India
The doctor will check the blood sugar, pH level, vital signs, and blood pressure to see if they are all in the normal range. It is planned to slow down the process of pancreatic cyst treatment in India in case the health indicators change in a strange way.
Pancreatic cyst treatment in India can be done openly (by making a big hole in the belly) or laparoscopically (by making small cuts in the gut).
After the pancreatic cyst treatment in India, the wounds are either stitched up or covered up to make them stronger. Nurses will stop cuts from bleeding and getting infections by cleaning them and putting cotton over them, also, the cotton bandage helps the stitches stay in place.
Preparation for pancreatic cyst treatment in India
You should know the steps that are taken before pancreatic surgery. This will help you make better plans. Every person who has a pancreatic cyst has a different story. The doctor will talk you through each step of the process and make sure you understand all of it. So, before they do pancreatic cyst treatment in India, doctors will talk to their patients about how important it is.
The doctor might tell you to take some medicines before the pancreatic cyst treatment in India to make you feel at ease. You shouldn’t drink alcohol the day before the surgery. Before the process, you should really try not to use any kind of smoke.
Risks of Pancreatic Cyst Treatment in India

Risks of Pancreatic Cyst Treatment
There are many people who have issues after pancreatic cyst treatment in India, even when everything is okay. This list could have the following things:
- Diabetes: If the pancreas is taken out completely, a person may get diabetes that doesn’t go away.
- Leakage: Having fluid leak out of the pancreas or bile duct.
- Infection: An infection could happen in the stomach or around the cut.
- Weight loss: Some people lose weight after pancreatic cyst treatment in India, but it is because their bodies are not taking in enough vitamins and carbs.
- Bleeding: There may be blood at the site of the cut.
Advantages of pancreatic cyst treatment in India
- Less blood loss
- Spending less time in the hospital.
- Faster recovery.
Cost of pancreatic cyst treatment in India
Pancreatic cyst treatment in India could cost anywhere from 2900 USD to 12000 USD. The price can change, of course, based on the type of pancreatic disease being treated.
Pancreatic cyst treatment in India | Minimum Cost | Maximum Cost |
Whipple Procedure | 2900 USD | 12000 USD |
Staging laparoscopy | 750 USD | 1100 USD |
Distal pancreatectomy | 4000 USD | 7900 USD |
Total pancreatectomy | 4800 USD | 11900 USD |
Radiation therapy | 4000 USD | 6000 USD |
Chemotherapy | 300 USD (per cycle) | 800 USD (per cycle) |
Whipple Procedure cost of pancreatic cyst treatment in India
City | Minimum Cost in USD | Maximum Cost in USD |
Bangalore | 3000 | 9500 |
Chennai | 2900 | 8500 |
Delhi | 3150 | 9500 |
Gurgaon | 3000 | 9400 |
Hyderabad | 3000 | 8250 |
Mumbai | 3300 | 12000 |
Pune | 3000 | 11800 |
Kolkata | 5100 | 11900 |
Staging laparoscopy cost of pancreatic cyst treatment in India
City | Minimum | Maximum |
Bangalore | 800 | 1000 |
Chennai | 750 | 900 |
Delhi | 800 | 1000 |
Gurgaon | 800 | 1100 |
Hyderabad | 800 | 1000 |
Mumbai | 850 | 1100 |
Pune | 800 | 1000 |
Distal pancreatectomy cost of pancreatic cyst treatment in India
City | Minimum Cost in USD | Maximum Cost in USD |
Mumbai | 4200 | 7500 |
Pune | 4000 | 7200 |
Kolkata | 4100 | 6900 |
Gurgaon | 4100 | 7000 |
Chennai | 4000 | 7200 |
Delhi | 4100 | 7400 |
Bangalore | 4000 | 7900 |
What is a pancreatic cyst?
It is a blood-filled growth on the inside or outside of your pancreas. Different types are made from slightly different types of cell parts. New cancer types are neoplastic not the same as old cancer types Nonneoplastic. A neoplastic cyst could grow into a cancerous call while the Nonneoplastic ones don’t.
How many people die after pancreatic cyst treatment in India?
Only 7% of people with any stage of pancreatic cancer will still be alive after five years. Most people who have had pancreatic surgery on their pancreas live for 23 to 36 months.
How can I get rid of pancreatic cysts?
There are different ways to treat a pancreatic cyst based on its type, size, symptoms, and your chance of getting cancer. Monitoring, medications, drainage, alcohol ablation, surgery, and changes to the person’s lifestyle are some of the choices that could be used.
How can I get the best treatment for pancreatitis?
When you get acute pancreatitis, the best way to treat it relies on how bad it is. During the first two weeks, when the inflammation is at its worst, it is very important to get extra care like keeping you hydrated, keeping your blood pressure in check, and making sure your kidneys and lungs keep working right. Small-cut techniques, such as laparoscopic or endoscopic necrosectomy (using endoscopy to remove dead pancreatic tissue), are often the best way to go during the infective phase, which lasts for two weeks.
What ratio of pancreatic cysts are cancerous?
More than 1% of pancreatic tumors do not have cancerous cells. But up to 30% of pancreatic lumps can turn into cancer. This is why healthcare workers keep an eye on them. Most precancerous cysts change and grow very slowly. If the cyst is checked often, changes that could lead to cancer will likely be found early on.
After pancreatic cyst treatment, how long does a person live?
It is almost certain that the person will die five years after pancreatic cyst treatment if the cyst is non-invasive or has not spread to other parts of the body. Someone has a chance of living five years after treatment if they have invasive cancer. Their survival rate could be from 65% to 75%. About 4% of people who have pancreatic surgery die.
Is pancreatic cancer caused by taking antacids for a long time?
Taking antacids for a long time does not raise the risk of getting pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Many people take too many antacids when they don’t need to, which can hurt their bodies in other ways. For example, they may have trouble with their kidneys, their heart drugs, or even be linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
What are the different kinds of pancreatic cysts?
Pancreatic cysts come in many types, including intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs), pseudocysts (common after pancreatitis), mucinous cystic neoplasms (which could be cancerous), solid pseudopapillary neoplasms (which are rare but could be cancerous), serous cystadenomas (usually harmless), and more.
How fast do pancreatic cysts grow?
Pancreatic cysts grow at different rates for each type, but they all move very slowly. Doctors become suspicious when a cyst grows more than 3 mm within a year. They will check on a cyst every year, two years, or five years, depending on how fast it grows.
What should I do if I have a cyst in my pancreas?
A pancreatic cyst will be marked by your doctor on an imaging scan. Based on the picture and your symptoms, they will tell you right away if the risk is low, medium, or high. If the risk is low, you usually don’t need to worry about anything. It will be handled according to their rules if the chance is medium or high. Pancreatic lumps that aren’t serious will basically just be watched. On a regular basis, people who work in health care check to see if they change. A test will be done to learn more about a cyst if its risk level rises from low to medium. When a cyst goes from being medium risk to high risk, it will be scheduled for surgery to be removed.
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