What Is The Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty Cost in Turkey?

Did you know that the best practicies of rhinoplasty were developed around the general facial shapes and aesthetic standards of Caucasians, who make up the largest patient demographic? But this one-size-fits-all procedure doesn’t work for all ethnicities and can even lead to issues like breathing problems.


This is where ethnic rhinoplasty comes into the picture; an approach to rhinoplasty that takes your ethnicity into picture to give you a nose that appeals to your other facial features.


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Turkey, one of the most promising medical tourism hubs, is a first choice for many for cosmetic surgeries. To be specific, rhinoplasty and hair transplants. Due to the rise in the popularity of nose jobs, many Turkish clinics have introduced various approaches to rhinoplasty, like ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty – a revolutionary approach to traditional nose job that promises better outcomes with less pain and more precision.

Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty: What Is It?


Ultrasonic ethnic rhimoplasty is a combination of two approaches to rhinoplasty. Nose job is a simple procedure whcih changes the shape of your nose to your liking. It can be done either due to medical reasons like deviated septum or aesthetic reasons. An ethnic nose job, unlike a traditional nose job, takes your ethnicity and the facial characteristics that come with it into consideration: relationship of the forehead to the nose, width of the nose, shape of the eyes, cheeks, and mouth, for creating a more harmonious look.


A new technique, called the ultrasonic rhinoplasty or the Piezoelectric rhinoplastyis one of the latest trends in the market that uses ultrasound to cut and reshape your nasal bones without damaging the soft tissues like the mucosa, skin or the upper cartilages.

What Are The Types Of Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty?


There are mainly two types of Piezo ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty:


  • Close Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty: Closed ultrasonic rhinoplasty involves making all incisions inside the nostrils, resulting in a less invasive treatment with no visible scarring. An ultrasonic equipment allows the rhinoplasty surgeon to access and modify the nasal bones with great control and precision. This procedure is best suited for patients requiring less significant reshaping or where the principal changes are needed on the bridge of the nose rather than the nasal tip.


  • Open Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasy: In contrast, open ultrasonic rhinoplasty requires an incision across the columella, or the strip of skin that separates the nostrils. This method provides the surgeon with a more direct view and broader access to the nasal tissue, giving him more control when substantial contouring is necessary. While this operation may leave a small scar on the bottom of the nose, improved vision can lead to more precise results, especially when intricate modifications to both the nasal bones and tip are required.


What Makes Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty Different?


Ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty combines two latest approaches to nose job, providing much safer and precised results. There are many advantages of piezo ethnic nose job over traditional rhinoplasty, such as:


  • No External Incisions: Only narrow internal tunnels are made in the nostrils, avoiding visible external scars.
  • Less Bleeding and Swelling: With far less disruption of blood vessels and soft tissues, post-operative side effects are minimized.
  • Shorter Surgery Time: Reshaping with ultrasonic waves is more efficient than more traditional restructuring techniques.
  • Local Anesthesia Option: Avoiding general anesthesia reduces overall risks and downtime.
  • Faster Healing: Patients typically recover within 5 to 7 days instead of weeks.
  • Natural-Looking Outcomes: Precision ultrasonic sculpting provides subtle reshaping that looks authentic.
  • Preserves Nasal Anatomy: Ultrasonic rhinoplasty lowers risks of losing structural integrity or developing osteotomies over time.


Other benefits include:


  • Faster Recovery
  • Less blood loss
  • Less damage to the surrounding soft tissues
  • More precision while cutting the bone
  • Takes ethnic uniqueness into consideration
  • Doesn’t take one-size-fits-all approach
  • Less need for revision surgery


However, a traditional ethnic rhinoplasty needs many weeks of rehabilitation, ultrasonic rhinoplasty helps patients to heal quickly. Most people feel presentable again after a few days. This accelerated healing makes a significant impact in the lives of busy people and those in the public glare.


What Is The Cost Of Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Turkey?


The ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty cost in Turkey is between USD 4500 and USD 5500, depending on the type of rhinoplasty and the clinic chosen.

Who Are The Candidates For Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty?


You should be atleast 18 years old to be eligible for ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty. Common reasons for ultrasonic rhinoplasty include:


  • Those seeking subtle tweaks rather than dramatic alteration of their nose shape or size.
  • People who desire natural-looking changes that do not appear obviously “surgical”.
  • Individuals needing minor asymmetry corrections or changes to certain contours.
  • Patients who previously underwent traditional rhinoplasty and now require revisions.
  • People wanting minimally invasive options and rapid recovery.
  • Busy professionals, entertainers, athletes, or others who need expedited healing.
  • Those at higher risk for complications and osteotomies from traditional methods.
  • Poor candidates for traditional rhinoplasty due to anatomy or health issues.


What Is The Process Before Piezo Ethnic Nose Job?


The cosmetologists follow a thorough process, tweaked over a long period of time, to make the process as simple and smooth as possible for you. Your cosmetic surgeon will study your ethnic uniqueness in detail to chart the best course of action for your nose job. Plastic surgeons in Turkey are specialised in many types of ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasties like African-American rhinoplasty, Hispanic wide nose rhinoplasty, Middle-Eastern nose rhinoplasty, mixed race rhinoplasty, etc.


  • An in-depth discussion of aesthetic goals and objectives
  • Thorough facial analysis and examination of nasal anatomy
  • Computer imaging demonstrations of potential surgical outcomes
  • Options presented for traditional versus ultrasonic rhinoplasty
  • Candidacy determined based on anatomy and health history
  • All questions answered about procedures, healing, results


How Is Piezo Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty Performed?


Ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty is carried out using a specialised instrument that vibrates cutting and shaving tip inserts with high-speed sound waves. The treatment begins with the surgeon making external skin incisions, usually in an open rhinoplasty method, to expose the nasal tissues. The skin of the nose is then further undermined to accommodate the ultrasonic instrument.


Piezoelectric inlays (PEI) are used with caution to selectively operate on bones and hard cartilage while minimising injury to soft tissues such as skin and delicate cartilages. This precise and regulated method enables correct bone sculpting and reshaping, yielding a more refined and proportioned nose. The treatment is constantly evolving, as advances in ultrasonic technology broaden its possibilities in rhinoplasty surgery.

Why Is Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty Better Than Traditional Ethnic Rhinoplasty?


The ultrasonic scaler uses regulated sound waves to produce precise ultrasonic vibrations that alter the nasal bones and cartilage. This enables for correct tissue moulding without causing damage to surrounding soft tissues. Blood vessels are mostly intact, minimising stress.


On the other hand, traditional ethnic rhinoplasty involves cutting and breaking nasal tissues inside to achieve reshaping. This can result in osteotomies, tissue rips, and collateral injuries. Ultrasonic waves carefully shape and preserve the delicate nasal architecture.

What Are The Drawbacks of Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty?


  • Subtle outcomes: Those in need of extensive reshaping may still require traditional rhinoplasty, as ultrasonic sculpting is best suited for precise adjustments. However, advances continue to expand possibilities.


  • Higher revision rate: According to industry data, ultrasonic procedures have a 5% greater first revision rate than traditional rhinoplasty. As surgeons gain experience, ultrasonic revision rates fall. But with rapid advancements in technology, things have been changing on the rhiniplasty front and the revision rate for piezo ethnic nose job is now lower than the traditional ethnic nose job.


  • Limited surgeon availability: Only a handful of cosmetic surgeons currently perform the ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty. However, access to more specialist training is increasing on a yearly basis.


Choose GoMedii For The Best And Affordable Ultrasonic Ethnic Rhinoplasty Cost In India


Suppose you are looking for the best and most affordable ultrasonic ethnic rhinoplasty cost in India. In that case, you are at the right place and time! Trust GoMedii, the best medical tourism company in India, with your treatment; we assure you of a top-notch, hassle-free process.


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Contact GoMedii to get your queries resolved by our team of medical experts. You can also reach out to us to apply for a medical visa.


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