Healthcare For All: The Basic Need For Everyone

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Healthcare in India is taken as an important right of every Indian citizen. What is healthcare? Why do we need healthcare for all? This blog will help discover various reasons regarding this aspect.


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What means health for all in India?


As per the ruling of the Supreme Court on Healthcare rights in India, ” The Supreme Court has held that the right to live with human dignity, enshrined in Article 21, derives from the directive principles of state policy and therefore includes the protection of health”.


What is health for all?


When we talk about the idea of “Health for all” we must know what it means is that everyone gets the required health facility. As an Online Pharmacy, we make sure that all our facilities reach to most of the customers as possible.


What kind of service makes sure there is health for all?


When we are concerned with health for all, we need a medium. We need some establishment that can help us spread healthcare for all. So, what must an establishment have for healthcare for all? Get your answers!


1) Fast delivery of medicines


Faster medicine means faster recovery. Health for all requires that everyone gets their demand fulfilled on time. At GoMedii we ensure that our customers are not waiting for long.

We deliver our medicines within 4hrs for selected places. Who would not wish to have everything at their doorstep? Making your life an easy affair, we have doorstep delivery when ordering online.


2) Easy appointments and health for all


You must be surprised how easy appointments can lead to health for all. Understand the simple idea, not every customer like those in pain have the time to stand outside the long queue. They need quick replies and easy ways. So, it is not eased in booking doctors helping the idea of “health for all”.


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3) Better diagnose and follow up


Healthcare is a human need, you cannot ignore it. It is said that two things, you once get into, it is hard to get out of. One is law cases and the other is long medical treatments.

These online pharmacies ensure that your diagnosis is done better. Along with that, they also ensure there are follow-ups. At GoMedii, an instant reply is given by our customer team.


4) Safer for the pocket to ensure health for all


Well, how many times do you get a chance to compare prices and then buy? In terms of meds, probably none. So, the process of online ordering can help you save money and also get the best deals by comparing medicines.

This enables care and protection, as well as medical help, to reach the most marginalized groups.


5) Special care of special people


We are all able and think that it is no trouble to walk down the market for meds. Meanwhile, we forget that not all are so privileged. Those who are either specially-abled or injured see this as a great help. They can easily access their medicines through simple online medicine orders.


According to WHO the idea of health for all can be defined as the medium by which each person and every community is given the liberty to have and enjoy good medical service. At GoMedii we are working to ensure that this motto of healthcare for all is achieved.


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About GoMedii: GoMedii is a Healthcare Technology Platform That Works Out Your Treatment / Surgery the Way You Need & Plan. A Treatment partner that simplifies the patient journey at every step. Drop Your Queries for the most affordable & world-class treatment options.You may simply download the GoMedii app for Android or iOS.