Foot Care for Diabetes patients; Take Care of Your Feet

Anju Bisht

, Health A2Z

Diabetes patients are prone to foot complications, in that matter, foot care for diabetes patients is necessary. If you do not take care of your feet properly can lead to reduced flow of blood to feet which can disrupt the healing process and infection resistance; nerve damage can cause permanent numbness in the feet. Further problems like foot ulcers and amputation can cause disabilities. However, taking preventive actions and early detection can reduce the risk of further complications.


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Here let’s understand how to take care of your feet if you are a diabetic. Or you can advise your loved ones if they have diabetes.


Tips for Foot Care for Diabetes patients


Herein, this section contains some general practices for a person with diabetes to take care of his/ her feet:


1. Regular Inspection


You know diabetes brings so many complications with it. So, why not be aware of our body, skin or nails. Regularly check your feet to note any change, as in, any kind of cuts, redness, swelling, sores, corns or calluses. To do so, use a mirror or ask a family member for help.


2. Avoid barefoot walk


Never keep your feet bare when you are well-aware that you are at risk even when indoor. Make sure to wear socks, shoes or slippers. Be careful when wearing shoes, check and make sure there is no pebble or foreign object inside; and the inner linings of the shoes are smooth. Wear only those shoes that fit you well. Do not forget to wear socks before.


3. No smoking


Yes, you have to stop smoking id you are a diabetic. Smoking can impair or restricts blood circulation, especially in diabetes. If you won’t stop smoking, it can worsen the situations and problems of the foot. So, the best foot care for diabetes is to stop smoking.


4. Careful with filing and cutting nails


Carefully cut and file your toenails regularly. Trim your toes nail straight across and smooth the sharp edge. Get help from a family member or your foot doctor (podiatrist) if you are unable to trim them.


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5.  Don’t act as a doctor


Here, if you notice corns or calluses on your feet do not try treating them by yourself. Avoid any usage of over-the-counter things to treat it; such products can burn your skin. Consult your doctor for the treatment.


6. Timely check-ups


Like other regular checkups, visit your foot doctor (podiatrist) every year for a complete examination. In case you have nerve damage then you need to visit podiatrists more often. 


7. Basic foot care for diabetes patients


  • Wash your feet every day in warm water (not in hot water).


  • Make sure not to soak them in water.


  • Properly pat dry them with a towel and apply lotion form top-bottom (avoid applying in between your toes).


  • Ensure proper flow of blood to feet.


  • Opt for some feet-friendly activities. You can ask the same from your doctor about which activity suits you better.


In the end, know that most of the people with diabetes can prevent major foot complications. Ask your doctor about what more you can for Foot Care for Diabetes at home.


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