Pituitary Tumor Removal Surgery In India

Arjun Khanna

, Treatments

The pituitary gland is a small but extremely vital part of the body. It is often called the “master gland” as it controls the secretion of various hormones that control the rest of the organs and keep everything working in the body. Since it is such an important part of the body, tumors in the pituitary gland can be extremely serious and life-threatening.


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Pituitary removal surgery is extremely expensive internationally, while not being available in many due to lack of proper medical care. This is why international patients from around the world favor pituitary tumor removal surgery in India. International patients can pursue world-class pituitary tumor removal surgery in India for a fraction of international costs.


India has made major strides in the quality of extensive, life-changing treatments in recent years. To ensure international patients receive quality treatment, GoMedii works hand in hand with some of the best cancer hospitals and institutes in India. Experience the best in pituitary surgery, as well as treatment for other cancers in India through GoMedii.


At GoMedii, we help countless patients from countries around the world including patients from Afghanistan, patients from Cambodia, patients from South Sudan, patients from Oman as well as Nigeria. Several patients from these countries have pursued a successful pituitary tumor removal surgery in India through GoMedii.


Get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery In India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


What Is The Pituitary Gland?


The pituitary gland is a pea-sized gland in the human body that is responsible for many vital functions. This includes functions such as the body’s growth, the function of various organs as well as hormone secretion throughout the various glands and organs of the body. This is also why the pituitary gland is often known as the master gland, or master endocrine gland of the body.


The pituitary gland is located in the brain and is responsible for hormones such as:


  • Hormone secretion in the Thyroid, responsible for the functioning of the thyroid gland
  • Adrenocorticotropic hormone, responsible for controlling stress
  • Gonadotropins hormone, responsible for the production of sperms in males and ovarian eggs in females
  • Growth hormone, responsible for growth in the bones and limbs of the body


As well as several other functions that are vital to the proper functioning of various factors of the body. A tumor in the pituitary gland can compromise and effect other aspects of the body, or even the entire body as a whole.


Generally, pituitary tumors are benign (noncancerous) growths and are classified as pituitary adenomas.


What Is a Pituitary Tumor?


A pituitary tumor occurs when abnormal or mutated cells begin multiplying too quickly in the pituitary gland. Most of the time, pituitary tumors are benign or noncancerous. This means that the cancer or the tumor itself cannot spread out from the pituitary. These are known as pituitary adenomas.


Pituitary cancer is very rare. However, it is capable of causing serious problems in the body. This can happen due to either the size of the tumor or the ill-functioning of the pituitary gland due to the tumor. Tumors in the pituitary gland are usually treated with surgery, medicine, or radiation.


What Causes The Need For Pituitary Tumor Removal Surgery?


The exact causes of a pituitary tumor are not known. However, it seems that a genetic change occurs in a few pituitary cells, in the beginning, leading to the formation of a tumor.


Genetic conditions that cause a defect in the genes are the most likely cause of pituitary tumors. A common example of such a defect that causes tumors in the pituitary gland is a familial syndrome called multiple endocrine neoplasia type I (MEN1). This condition can cause an increased risk of pituitary tumors in family members and is a genetic condition. Another such condition, known as the Carney complex, can also cause a pituitary tumor.


Other genetic conditions that can cause pituitary gland tumors are:


  • Familial isolated pituitary adenoma, a rare condition that makes the body grow larger than normal
  • Isolated familial acromegaly, a condition similar to familial isolated pituitary adenoma
  • McCune-Albright syndrome, a rare condition that causes issues in the bones and skin


For more information, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery In India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


What Are The Symptoms of A Pituitary Tumor?


A patient suffering from a tumor in the pituitary gland will undergo these symptoms. However, please note that often a pituitary adenoma patient may not exhibit some or all of these symptoms. Also, these symptoms can also be signs of other medical conditions. If concerned about the occurrence of these symptoms, consult a cancer specialist, or contact us at GoMedii. The symptoms are:


  • Headaches


  • Vomiting


  • Vision problems


  • Changes in menstrual cycles in women


  • Impotence in men due to hormone imbalances


  • Infertility


  • Inappropriate lactation in women


  • Acromegaly or enlargement of the extremities or limbs due to overproduction of growth hormone


  • Exhaustion


  • Irritability


Larger tumors in the pituitary gland can cause more specific symptoms in the body. The pituitary gland is in a small area under the brain. A large tumor could cause issues just due to its size, such as pressing on the optic nerve and causing problems in vision.


Large tumors, by pressuring the surrounding area of the pituitary gland, can cause symptoms such as:


  • Headaches


  • Loss of eyesight, especially loss of peripheral vision or double vision


The tumor can also press on the pituitary gland, causing it to make lesser, or more hormones. The symptoms this can cause are:


  • Breast growth


  • Less facial hair


  • Erectile Dysfunction


  • Fewer menstrual periods or no breast milk in women


  • Growth and sexual development delays in children


  • Low sex drive


  • Extreme weight changes


To find out more regarding pituitary tumor symptoms, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery In India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Diagnosing a Pituitary Tumor for Surgery


To initiate the process to diagnose if the patient is suffering from a pituitary tumor, doctors will first check the patient’s health and medical history, followed up with symptoms and a physical exam. The patient may get a series of tests that include:


  • An eye exam to see if the tumor has affected vision


  • Neurological exam to test the working of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves


  • Urine and blood test for hormone levels


  • CT scan or MRI to search for tumor


Further testing will determine the existence of a tumor in the pituitary gland and the best course of treatment. In the case of most tumors, a biopsy is the only confirmational diagnosis of cancer. In the case where a biopsy is not an option, doctors may use other tests to confirm the diagnosis.


Pituitary tumors are rare, and a pituitary ‘carcinoma’ even more so. However, it is a factor that doctors will consider and test for. The factor being whether the tumor is a benign pituitary adenoma localized to the gland, or an active pituitary carcinoma, ready to spread to the rest of the body.


Tests that doctors may conduct include


 Neurological exam


To evaluate the patient’s nervous system and brain by testing reflexes, motor, and sensory skills, balance, and coordination.


Blood and urine tests


To evaluate the levels of hormones in the patient, a blood test, and a 24-hour urine sample. All urine during a day’s period will be collected for testing. This enables doctors to track the production rate of various hormones.


CT Scan or CAT Scan


X Rays of the brain from various angles to create a detailed cross-sectional view. This will help doctors spot any abnormalities or tumors.


MRI Scan


Magnetic resonance imaging uses magnetic fields to produce a detailed image, instead of x-rays. An MRI scan is much more effective for diagnosing pituitary tumors.


Lumbar puncture or spinal tap


Spinal fluid is extracted from the spine using a needle inserted into the lower back and into a collection tube. The spinal fluid can be tested to show the presence of tumors.




A biopsy involves removing a small amount of tissue for examination. Though other tests can conclude the presence of a tumor, only a biopsy can diagnose for certain.


To find out more regarding pituitary tumor test, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery In India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Treating a Tumor with Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery


Treatment for a tumor in the pituitary gland depends on various factors affecting the patient. It depends on the size of the tumor, its location, and whether it is cancerous or benign.


In a few cases, patients may not need any treatment and just careful and periodic observation. This occurs in cases where a tumor is present, but there are no symptoms or hormonal imbalances.




Surgery for removal of the pituitary tumor is the most common form of treatment. However, surgery may not be the best course of action if the tumor is secreting the prolactin hormone as this may cause further complication.


To perform the surgery, the surgeons will access the tumor through the nose, an opening made above the upper lip, or an opening in the skull. Skull access is used in the case of larger tumors.



Radiation therapy destroys the tumor with high energy X-rays. It’s a good course of action when surgery can’t remove the whole tumor, or if the tumor returns and medicines don’t improve symptoms. There are different types of radiation that can range from a high dose given once through a precise process called stereotactic radiosurgery or to smaller doses given several times a week for 4 to 6 weeks.



Doctors will usually pursue this course of action first, depending on the kind of tumor. If the patient’s tumor makes prolactin, medication can lower the amount and cause the tumor to shrink. Medication can also be helpful on tumors that make growth hormone, and in conditions such as acromegaly.

Hormone replacement therapy


Hormone replacement is often a necessary procedure when undergoing pituitary tumor surgery. This therapy may be used to replace hormones such as thyroid, adrenal, estrogen, or testosterone hormones among others. This treatment is an option when the pituitary gland is compromised and the body is incapable of producing these hormones properly.


The drug bromocriptine can treat prolactin secretion, and octreotide can help patients suffering from over secretion of growth hormone or thyroid-stimulating hormone.


To find out more regarding pituitary tumor surgery options, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery In India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Pituitary Tumor Removal Surgery Post Treatment


After treatment for a pituitary gland tumor, the next steps are focused on follow-up care. This includes regular physical examinations and medical tests to monitor the patient’s recovery for the coming months and years. Follow-up care for a pituitary gland tumor may include tests to measure hormone levels and MRI scans to learn how the tumor responded to treatment.


This would be the time when the consulting doctor will work closely with the patient to monitor their progress or the reoccurrence of symptoms.


During treatment, patients with pituitary tumors may experience symptoms that make it difficult for them to conduct a normal life. However, this will change post-treatment.



Patients suffering from impaired vision may need special attention after treatment. Patients with excess prolactin or excess growth hormone may also be significantly affected.


Once surgery to remove a pituitary tumor has been performed, the patient must follow up with an endocrinologist and a neurosurgeon. Yearly MRI scans are performed for five years, and possibly longer in some instances. Hormone testing is often carried out on an annual basis.


Radiation therapy can have late effects, this includes decreased hormone production in the pituitary gland. These can take five to seven years to develop, but it does not occur in all patients.


As most pituitary tumors are non-cancerous, second malignancies are not typically an issue.


Patients who suffered from excess growth hormone conditions are at higher risk of developing colon cancer. However, only if the tumor was not completely removed and growth hormone levels are still persistently high.


Patients with MEN-1 syndrome need surveillance for the possibility of other tumors forming in the parathyroid gland or pancreas. In the case of other patients treated for a pituitary tumor, they simply need surveillance to ensure that the tumor is not recurring.


To find out more regarding pituitary tumor post-surgery care, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery In India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery Cost in India


International patients can pursue world-class pituitary tumor removal surgery at affordable costs in India. This is what makes India a prime medical tourism location, thanks to world-class care being offered at such pocket-friendly prices. Through GoMedii, international patients can pursue pituitary tumour removal surgery in India for roughly $5500 – 65000 USD*.


Visiting India, the patient can expect a stay in the hospital for 4-5 days, and in India, roughly 9-10 days, and must plan their trip accordingly.


Tests recommended by doctors for the treatment include MRI, CT scan, blood and urine tests, and vision tests.


Patients can expect an over 95% rate of success in pituitary tumor removal surgery in India, depending on the size and location of the tumor. Success rates will be slightly lower in the case of open surgeries compared to minimally invasive surgery.


*Costs can vary based on the patient’s condition and specialized requirements.

Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery in the Best Hospitals in India


India is today one of the most desirable destinations for medical tourism. This is because India provides exceptional healthcare when it comes to various medical conditions, including Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery. With the best treatment hospitals and specialists being based in India, it is a great treatment option for international patients.


The best doctors and institutes in India work hand in hand with us at GoMedii, to bring international patients world-class medical care. Expect affordable care with names such as:

  • Medanta Hospital
  • Max Hospitals
  • Fortis Hospital
  • Apollo Hospitals


And more! These are the best names in healthcare working closely with GoMedii, to bring you the best medical care possible.


To know more, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Why Pursue Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery in India Through GoMedii?


Medical care in India has seen significant strides in recent years. Apart from being technologically and medically advanced, extensive medical and healthcare is now significantly more affordable compared to international costs. International patients can take advantage of India’s state of the art healthcare and efficiency in extensive treatments, through GoMedii. GoMedii is helping international patients as not only a medical tourism partner but a medical treatment partner as well.


Technically challenging and less invasive surgeries are now available in India thanks to major pioneers, talented healthcare professionals, and surgeons in extensive medical procedures. Healthcare reforms in India have made the state of the art medical care much more accessible for international patients. GoMedii works hand in hand with the best hospitals, institutes, clinics, and professionals to provide international patients with the treatments they need, quickly and at the most affordable costs.


GoMedii is the go-to medical treatment partner for many international patients. This is because GoMedii, unlike its competitors, helps its family of international patients every step of the way. From initiating their treatment process in India, assisting with medical visas and paperwork, to booking accommodation, GoMedii does it all for their patients.


From the moment the patient decides to avail GoMedii’s services, the patient doesn’t have to worry about a single requirement. All the patient needs to do is come to India and avail of treatment. Even post-treatment, GoMedii goes above and beyond to ensure patients take the necessary follow up appointments, medications and even takes care of the patient’s return trip.


To know more, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Journey to India for World-Class Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery


Traveling to India from another country for medical treatment requires a number of documents to be provided. This includes certificates, medical reports, permits, and other such requirements.


Apart from the standard requirement for documentation like the visa application form, passport, doctor’s certificate, medical invitation letter, and reports, there are certain other formalities that are required to be fulfilled. These documents will help international patients with official requirements so they may have a smooth journey to India.


Here is what is involved in your journey to India for Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery through GoMedii.

Fit To Fly Certificate


A fit to fly certificate of the patient is demanded by all the airlines to certify that the patient’s health condition is stable enough to fly from one country to another. The terms include the ability to fly within the stipulated span of hours without any deterioration in their condition mid-air. Only the applicants who have applied for a medical visa require a fit to fly certificate during their travel.


A fit to fly certificate will be required for both boarding the flight from the patient’s home country as well as during departure from India after treatment. Patients and their medical attendants will not be allowed to board the flight if they cannot produce the certificate.

Vaccination Certificates


While preparing for your journey to India for medical travel, carrying valid vaccination certificates is important. Not every country member requires such documentation. However, a yellow fever vaccination certificate and oral polio vaccination certificate are a mandatory document to be produced during check-in at the airport.


Countries that require an Oral Polio Vaccination Certificate are Afghanistan, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Kenya, Somalia, and Syria.


It is to be noted that the Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificates should be sanctioned 10 days before travel.

Currency Requirements in India


An important factor that international patients must keep in mind is the currency and the amount of money that they must carry. The maximum limit for an individual to carry cash while coming to India is $5000 USD or its equivalent. Exceeding this, one has to declare it in the Currency Declaration Form at the Customs Authorities in the airport.

Further Important Points to be Noted Prior to Travel to India


– During immigration, patients may be asked to provide the address of their accommodation, in India. It is advisable to note down the address of the hotel/guesthouse assigned to you. Get in touch with your GoMedii relationship manager to ensure you know it.


– Your e-visa will be provided to you with a Medical Visa certificate through your GoMedii representative. Make sure you carry a printed copy.


– Carry all the medical reports and medical summaries of the patient.


– Share a picture of the patient and the medical attendants as they start their journey so that our team can identify them easily when they arrive at the airport.


– Contact your GoMedii team representative in case of any issue, such as locating the exit in the airport or seem to be lost.


Once the patient has taken care of these documents and has safely arrived in India, they’re in the capable hands of the GoMedii team, who will ensure a stress-free stay in India for the patient.


Rest assured, through GoMedii, international patients will be able to pursue Spine Decompression Surgery at affordable costs in India easily.


To know more, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery in India for international patients for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Patient Accommodation in India


GoMedii is the go-to medical treatment partner for many international patients. This is because GoMedii, unlike its competitors, helps its family of international patients every step of the way. From initiating their treatment process in India, assisting with medical visas and paperwork, to booking accommodation, GoMedii does it all for their patients.


When coming to India for your treatment, accommodation will be provided to you through GoMedii, your medical treatment partner. Based on where in India the patient is getting treated, expect comfortable lodgings at a stone’s throw distance from your hospital.


We do our bit to ensure that your journey of healing to India is truly therapeutic in every aspect.


A Comfortable Departure Post-Treatment


A major reason international patients are so grateful to GoMedii and truly satisfied with their experience is due to our constant involvement in the entire process.


Post-treatment, the patient’s recuperation stay as well as travel back to their home country is taken care of by us at GoMedii as well.


With GoMedii taking charge of your journey, you truly need not worry regarding a single aspect of your India journey. Just let your family at GoMedii take care of it, while you focus on wellness!


To know more, get an instant appointment or consultation regarding Pituitary Tumour Removal Surgery in India for just $20 USD. Drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724). You may even email us at connect@gomedii.com, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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