10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z



Those people who have a harmful disease like asthma do not enjoy many things in their life. Most asthma patients take different types of prescriptions, but they always forget to take a simple solution, which is the sum of the yoga. Yoga is the best solution for asthma patients. Therefore, every person should do a regular daily routine. By doing this, you can avoid all kinds of diseases. Treatment of every disease is yoga. Today we are going to discuss 10 best yoga poses for asthma patients.


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What is the Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients?


Here, 10 best yoga poses for asthma patients:



1. Sukasana


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



Sukasana pose is the relaxing pose for natural asthma relief. Just like savasana, its focus on breath and stress control makes it a great exercise to help asthma and lung function in particular.



2. Butterfly


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



The butterfly is a popular relaxing yoga pose that can bring asthma relief, which makes it another top stretching exercise to help with asthma.



3. Straddled Splits


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients




This yoga pose for asthma relief involves stretching out the upper body and opening up the lungs.



4. Forward Bend


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



This bending pose can open up the lungs for natural asthma relief.



5. Bridge

10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



The bridge is a great yoga pose for asthma relief because it helps open the lungs.



6. Supportive Fish


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



The supportive fish is another exercise to help asthma that Shaw recommends for natural asthma relief. She says this pose is good for the health of your bronchial tube.



7. Pranayama


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients


Finish your yoga routine with pranayama, a simple breathing pose that makes a great exercise to help asthma.


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8. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist)


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



The Sitting Half Spinal Twist opens the chest and improves the supply of oxygen to the lungs, thereby reducing the probability of asthma restricting you.



9. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



The Cobra pose expands the chest, improves blood circulation and is highly recommended for people with asthma.



10. Shavasana (Corpse Pose)


10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients



End your yoga practice by lying down for a few minutes in the Corpse Pose. This asana brings the body in a meditative state, rejuvenates you, and also helps reduce anxiety and pressure. A calm and relaxed body and mindset are of the essence to tackle asthma.



A daily practice of these postures and breathing techniques for 15-20 minutes will considerably reduce your chances of an asthma attack and may even help you get rid of it. A few minutes spent meditating will also enhance your experience and help calm your mind. You can experience the benefits of yoga and meditation at the Happiness Program.



Your control over asthma will let you choose how much you enjoy your life. With a strong shield like yoga, you can experience life in its totality and be carefree. Yoga enables you to expand your capabilities and live life to its fullest.



Does Yoga Increase Lung Capacity?



Lung capacity, which is reduced in asthmatics, has been shown to improve significantly with 8 weeks of yoga postures and breathing practiced 5 days per week.




What helps Asthma Naturally?



These Food items will help to cure asthma naturally:



1. Avocado


2. Honey


3. Kale


4. Coffee


5. Spinach


6. Apple


7. Banana


8. Garlic


9. Ginger



What vitamins are good for asthma?


Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it of potential interest in asthma.





Here, we have discussed 10 Best Yoga Poses for Asthma Patients. With the help of these poses, you can easily control or manage your asthma. Daily yoga makes you fit and disease free, in this blog we have shared 10 best yoga poses and how to cure asthma naturally. If your condition gets worse then consult a doctor as soon as possible.


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