Top 9 Tips on Glowing Skin in Winters: Best Winter Skin Care Home Remedies

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

I personally love the chilling winter season which makes me feel fresh and alive. Cozy jumpers, scarves, boots, and what not! But, unfortunately, winter is the time when our skin does not cooperate with us.


We all, especially women, desire a picture perfect with a glowing skin whether its summer or winter. No matter what you are like you are a homemaker, student, or a working professional, it is very important for all of us to have good skin.


During these months, our skin tends to get more dryness, dull, and itchy due to lack of necessary moisture. We usually look around for good body butter and cold creams to moisturize the dry skin.


Our skin is delicate, and exposing it to dangerous or toxic chemicals is always a huge risk to take. Another thing that affects our skin is stressful lifestyles, inadequate sleep, hectic work schedules, lack of nutritional diet, harmful sun rays (UVA/UVB), pollution, excessive smoking, and alcohol consumption. These major factors also make our skin dull and dry. These all are part of our life so we can not ignore these factors, however, we can surely prevent them. Of course, we cannot hold on to our age, but we can slow down the loss of radiance and glow from the skin.


In the search for the best solution, we often neglect things that are available at our home which can enhance our skincare routine. Following are some of the tips on how to achieve glowing skin in winters.


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Top 9 Tips on How to Achieve Glowing Skin in Winters

Following are some of the best winter skin care home remedies for glowing skin in winters.

1. Milk And Almond Face Pack:

Top 9 Tips on Glowing Skin in Winters: Best Winter Skin Care Home Remedies

Make a paste of almond and mix it with milk, then apply it on your face. You can keep the past for 10 minutes and massage gently and wash off with water.

Benefits: Almonds are rich in vitamin E and some essential fatty acids whereas milk works as wonderful moisturizer for the skin that helps in reducing dryness and making skin softer.

2. Papaya Face Pack:

Mash the papaya with banana and add the honey, apply this paste on your face and other dry parts on your body.

Benefits: Papayas comprise antioxidants whereas bananas are known for their vitamin content that works as anti-aging agents. Honey is a natural moisturizer for the skin that will help rejuvenate your skin.

3. Glycerine:

Wash your face and put some glycerine. Leave the glycerin on for the whole night.

Benefits: Glycerine is a natural moisturizer that helps in restoring hydration of the skin, making it soft due to the presence of humectant and emollient properties.

4. Olive Oil And Egg Yolk Face Pack:

Add the olive oil to the egg yolks and mix it well. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes then wash off with water.

Benefits: Olive oil is rich in natural antioxidants and vitamins K and E whereas egg yolk contains lecithins and vitamin A that nourish the skin and treat dryness effectively.

5. Lemon And Honey Solution:

Mix the juice of lemon with honey and apply the mixture on your face with the cotton ball. Leave it for 10-12 minutes and then wash off with water.

Benefits: Lemon is rich in vitamin C whereas honey has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to soothe irritated and itchy skin during the cold winter months.

6. Yogurt And Buttermilk Face Pack:

Mix yogurt with buttermilk. Apply it all over your body and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it with water.

Benefits: Yogurt is rich in zinc, vitamin B6, calcium, and other useful enzymes that helps in cleansing the skin and also lightens blemishes. Whereas buttermilk includes lactic acid that helps in clearing dry and dull skin in winter.

7. Coconut Oil:

Dab some coconut oil on the affected skin and massage until it gets absorbed into the skin.

Benefits: Coconut oil helps in making the skin softer as well as providing moisture to the skin naturally.

8. Honey And Raw Milk:

Mix the honey with milk. Apply the mixture with the help of the cotton ball on the face and other dry areas of the body then rinse with water.

Benefits: We all know the moisturizing benefits of honey whereas milk helps in removing dry and flaky skin.

9. Banana Mask:

Mash the banana and add some honey. Apply this mixture on your face and keep it on your for 15-20 minutes then rinse with water.

Benefits: Banana helps in moisturizing and nourishes the skin with its vitamin C, A, and B6. It also possesses anti-aging properties that smoothen out fine lines and wrinkles.


These all tips are very helpful in how to achieve glowing skin in winters or we can say that these tips are the best winter skin care home remedies that not only nourishes and smoothen the skin but also have anti-aging properties to remove your wrinkles and fine lines.

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