Advantages Of Bone Marrow Transplant, Know Them Now

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


When medical travelers approach GoMedii International from various continents and countries, they always have a question with them regarding the “advantage” that a certain treatment would provide them. We help them in various ways by answering them and our relationship managers make sure, that in any such case where it is necessary, we provide our customers with transparent information.


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This helps us build trust and the medical tourist is also happy. Signup with us to experience the best while we make sure you have no doubts regarding your treatment. One of the major queries has been with regard to the advantages of a bone marrow transplant.


Bone Marrow Transplant is used to not only serve the problem of one kind of cancer but many. This is not known by most of the people, and due to the lack of available facilities in their native countries, medical tourists choose India as a destination for treatment. Our relationship managers and interpreters along with the dedicated team attend these travelers to help them get the treatment and make sure they are given the best of the hospitality and service.


A Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) is a medical procedure of injecting blood-forming healthy stem cells into the body to replace diseased bone marrow. It is also called a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT).


You need the BMT to be done if there are serious immune deficiencies, bone marrow cancer, bone marrow failure syndromes, thalassemia, other hematological disorders, or genetic metabolic disorders. A bone marrow transplant can be a self bone marrow transplant or an unrelated bone marrow transplant.


Advantages of a Bone Marrow Transplant


The benefits and advantages of a bone marrow transplant are multiples. As we have already mentioned that it does not only help you get through one kind of cancer but can be a treatment to a lot of them. BMT is also used to treat other cancers such as neuroblastoma i.e. cancer that arises in immature nerve cells and affects mostly infants and children and multiple myeloma.


On a very interesting note, Stem cell transplants with kidney damage from pyelonephritis a type of urinary infection that has reached the kidney were found to improve kidney structure and function.


There are basic conditions for any treatment that must be fulfilled by the patient. Here are some basic requirements or conditions which our customers deal with and hence we provide them Bone marrow transplant. Bone marrow transplant s can benefit patients with a variety of bone marrow diseases that are both of both cancerous and noncancerous that includes:


  • Childhood cancers
  • Primary Immune Deficiency
  • Hematological diseases – Thalassemia and many others


Apart from the medical benefits that BMT provides. It also helps you extend your life span in a healthy way. It is like a boon and a second chance. The change that is brought with adapting different lifestyle helps to establish a new and better living.


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Types of Bone Marrow Transplant


1. Autologous Transplants (AUTO)


Also known as an Autologous transplant, this type of transplant involves the rescue of stem cells during a high-dose of chemotherapy. The patient receives his or her own collected stem cells at the end of the cancer treatment.


2. Allogeneic Transplants (ALLO)


Also known as ALLO transplant, allogeneic transplants involve the transfer of stem cells from a healthy person to a patient’s body. The success of this procedure is possible only if the bone marrow of both the patient and the donor matches.


In India, we have the best hospital chains associated with GoMedii International to help you get the best services. Among the most known hospitals for a bone marrow transplant is Max hospital which has branches all over the country.


The Fortis Healthcare group that runs the chains of best and skilled doctors with great quality service. Kailash Hospital Chain in the Delhi-NCR area is also a well-known name that is associated with a bone marrow transplant.



Choosing a sincere and dependable MT partner is also a major choice in this case. GoMedii International has stood apart with great perks and benefits. We assist our travelers and patients along with family all the time and give them the care away from home. Sign up with us and experience care just like home.

About GoMedii: GoMedii is a Healthcare Technology Platform That Works Out Your Treatment / Surgery the Way You Need & Plan. A Treatment partner that simplifies the patient journey at every step. Drop Your Queries for the most affordable & world-class treatment options.You may simply download the GoMedii app for Android or iOS.