Receive The Most Affordable Anosmia Treatment in India

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

During the COVID times, we received maximum inquiries from Nigeria and were dedicated to helping our best at GoMedii. However one of the very typical cases was for Anosmia Treatment in India. Given the fact that we needed to follow all the safety guidelines beforehand, we still considered a condition related to the new virus.


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We made the patient attend various doctors’ consultations while he was in Nigeria, to help us and the patient know that it was not the symptom of COVID but was a problem that needed treatment or else could be really serious and terminal.


Ever heard of Anosmia Treatment in India?


Anosmia Treatment in India, sign of Parkinson's, Effective Remedies To Treat Loss of Smell, surgery for Anosmia, Hospitals Anosmia Treatment in India


In most cases, you must not have heard about the condition. It is, however, a technical word, but in general, is called “loss of smell”. It sounds scary but like we said, in cold and cough too you find your smell to be less or lost. So how is it different?


The difference comes in terms of the causes, when it is not cold or cough but the loss of smell is for a longer period of time, that is when you can be sure that it is Anosmia. In case you do find one for yourself,  c and get Anosmia Treatment in India.


How do you define Anosmia?


Anosmia is the medical term for loss of the sense of smell. It’s usually caused by a nasal condition or brain injury, but some people are born without a sense of smell which is known as congenital anosmia. Congenital anosmia is a condition in which people are born with a lifelong inability to smell. It may occur as an isolated abnormality (no additional symptoms) or be associated with a specific genetic disorder.


Can Congenital anosmia be cured?


As such “treatment” is not present but there is a scope cure for congenital anosmia. However, other types of anosmia may be improved or cured when the underlying condition is treated. For example, if the cause is swelling in the nose or sinuses, steroids can usually clear this up and restore your sense of smell.


Did you know Anosmia can also be a sign of Parkinson’s?


Anosmia Treatment in India, sign of Parkinson's, Effective Remedies To Treat Loss of Smell, surgery for Anosmia, Hospitals Anosmia Treatment in India


Not all people with a reduced sense of smell will go on to develop Parkinson’s, but most people with PD have some loss of their sense of smell.


In fact, a reduced sense of smell, called hyposmia, is often an early sign of Parkinson’s. Looking back, you may realize you were losing your sense of smell several years before you received a Parkinson’s diagnosis.


Effective Remedies To Treat Loss of Smell


If you suspect a medication is affecting your sense of smell, talk to your doctor and see if there are other treatment options available that won’t affect your ability to smell. However, never stop taking the medication without first talking with your doctor.




The potent anti-inflammatory properties of the active constituent ricinoleic acid in garlic reduce swelling and inflammation within the nasal passage. The presence of anti-bacterial properties adds to its advantage by clearing out phlegm deposits from the nasal route and also eases breathing by widening the nasal passage.


Crush 4-5 garlic cloves and add them to a cup of boiling water. Boil for two minutes, and add a pinch of salt. Drink the mixture while it is still hot, twice a day to restore the sense of smell.




The abundance of vitamin C, antioxidants, and strong anti-microbial properties in lemon is useful. It holds high significance in treating the infection that causes excessive mucous deposits in the nasal passage followed by a blocked, runny nose.


Squeeze the juice of one lemon in a glass of warm water and add a teaspoon of honey and drink this lemon tea twice a day to get relief from throat and nasal congestion.


Castor Oil


The oil obtained from castor seeds portray powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties, that discourage the growth of nasal polyps. It is extremely effective in alleviating the symptoms like swelling and inflammation that takes place due to cough and cold and helps re-establish the sense of smell.


Go for the Nasya treatment by instilling a drop of warm castor oil in the nostrils. Practice this twice a day in the morning and at night before sleeping to get faster efficacy.


Mint Leaves


The bio-active constituent menthol in mint leaves exhibits anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory property which play a crucial role in alleviating cough and flu symptoms that causes congestion of the nose, throat, and chest cavity.


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Is there any surgery for Anosmia?


Anosmia Treatment in India, sign of Parkinson's, Effective Remedies To Treat Loss of Smell, surgery for Anosmia, Hospitals Anosmia Treatment in India


As we know the loss of smell cannot be sole because your “nose” is not working. It has various reasons which might not be direct but becomes a cause. To get that right Anosmia Treatment in India has a surgical option of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.


What is it? In endoscopic sinus surgery. Then an endoscope is inserted into the nose, providing the doctor with an inside view of the sinuses.


Surgical instruments are inserted alongside the endoscope. This allows the doctor to remove small amounts of bone or other material blocking the sinus openings and remove growths (polyps) of the mucous membrane. In some cases, a laser is used to burn away tissue blocking the sinus opening. A small rotating burr that scrapes away tissue may also be used.


The surgery may be done in a hospital or in a doctor’s office or clinic. Either local or general anesthesia may be used. The procedure takes 30 to 90 minutes.


Where can you find the best Hospitals Anosmia Treatment in India?


While there are a number of options, we are sure you want GoMedii to give you the better among the best. Here are a few well-known names that might help you understand that we take our commitment to provide you the best, very seriously.


  • Apollo Hospital, Delhi
  • Fortis Hospital, Noida
  • Artemis Hospital, Gurugram
  • Max Hospital, Noida
  • Medanta Hospital Medanta Hospital, NCR
  • Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai


Why GoMedii is Your Best Choice To Make?


With GoMedii, you get the best of the treatments done at affordable pricing. We ensure the highest quality and the best of the doctors and medical staff. Our team makes sure that you are helped constantly with the addition of relationship managers and interpreters at your service constantly. Sign up with us and experience the amazing services offered by India and GoMedii.


To get an instant quote and consultation regarding Anosmia Treatment in India, just drop us a query on our website or contact us on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at, regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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