Anal Fistula: An Infected Tunnel Between the Skin and The Anus

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z


An anal fistula is a little tunnel which usually develops between the end of the bowel and the skin near the anus. Usually, the result of an infection near the anus causing a collection of pus (abscess) in the nearby tissue. When the pus drains away from the anus, it can leave a small channel behind.


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Anal fistulas can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as discomfort and skin irritation, and won’t usually get better on their own. Surgery is recommended in most cases.



What is an Anal Fistula?



The anus is the outer opening through which feces are expelled from the body. Inside an anus are a number of small glands. If one of these glands becomes blocked, an abscess an infected cavity may form. An anal abscess is usually treated by surgical drainage, although some drain spontaneously.



What are the Symptoms of an Anal Fistula?


The following may be symptoms or signs of anal fistula:


1. Recurrent anal abscesses


2. Pain and swelling around the anus


3. Pain with bowel movements


4. Bleeding


5. Bloody or foul-smelling drainage (pus) from an opening around the anus. The pain may decrease after the fistula drains.


6. Irritation of the skin around the anus due to persistent drainage


7. Fever, chills, and a general feeling of fatigue. (However, these may be symptoms of many conditions.)


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Are Anal Fistulas Common?



Anal fistulas develop between different organs, such as between the esophagus and the windpipe or the bowel and the vagina. It can also develop between two blood vessels, such as between an artery and a vein or between two arteries. The treatment is depending on the cause of the fistula, where it is, and how bad it is.


Can Anal Fistulas heal Naturally?


The abscess may be constantly filling with body fluids such as stool or urine, which prevents healing. Ultimately, it breaks through to the skin, another body cavity, or an organ, creating a fistula. Fistulas are typically treated with surgery or wound care.



What are the Causes of Fistula?


Most fistulas result from an anal abscess. The number of fistulas may less frequently be caused by other processes such as Crohn’s disease, sexually transmitted diseases, trauma, tuberculosis, cancer, or diverticulitis.


What is the Best Treatment For Fistula?


A fistulotomy is the most effective treatment for many anal fistulas, although it’s usually only suitable for fistulas that don’t pass through much of the sphincter muscles, as the risk of incontinence is lowest in these cases.




Anal Fistula is the major problem it makes you uncomfortable. In the above blog we have talked about anal fistula and its symptoms, are they common, and how to heal naturally. The best way to cure this is to manage your diet. If you feel any of the above symptoms so immediately consult a doctor.


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