Breast cancer tops as cause of high death toll increasing To 63%

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

The world is becoming prone to more and more chronic conditions day by day. As per one of the reports in the Economic Times, Breast cancer became the most common cause of cancer death than any other type at Government Cancer Hospital. An increase of 63% in the death of female patients suffering from breast cancer was recorded in 2019 at the hospital.


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This brings us to know, what is breast cancer and how does it affect the young and old ladies. Breast cancer develops in breast cells. Typically, the cancer forms in either the ducts or lobules of the breast. Lobules are the glands that are responsible to produce milk, and ducts are the path that brings the milk from the glands to the nipple. This Cancer can also occur in the fibrous connective tissue or fatty tissue within your breast.


As per the news goes, the numbers have increased in India. The report says, “n the year 2019, breast cancer emerged as top cancer killer causing 15.92% of the total deaths, followed by blood cancer, tongue cancer, and vaginal cancer combined constituting 14.15 %, 7.07% 6.19% of total toll respectively. However, in the year 2018, blood cancer constituted 14.45% of total deaths, followed by breast cancer at 8.83%, vaginal cancer at 7.63% and esophagus at 6.42%.”



This is shocking as the women are getting affected by it every day and the number does not seem to stop anytime. So, what are the preventive measures that can be taken?


1. Protect Yourself From Radiation and Pollution


There are possible links between getting breast cancer and exposure to radiation. It is better to avoid too much exposure to radiation- medical imaging techniques and many other computerized tomographies use high doses of radiation. Avoid exposure as much as possible unless such testing becomes necessary. Also, don’t forget to protect yourself from environmental pollution.


2. Better Limit or Avoid HRT


Most women use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to deal with menopausal symptoms. Women using this therapy for more than 3-5 years are at higher risk of getting breast cancer. Get your doctor’s opinion for alternative options to control your menopause symptoms or if using HRT it is better to use it at the lowest dose and for the shortest period.


3. Breastfeeding Benefits


Do you know breastfeeding helps in preventing breast cancer? Maybe most of you do. It is expected that breastfeeding protection effects are stronger if you breast-feed longer.


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4. Don’t Be Lazy


Let me tell you a secret, well really not a secret though – for a breast-healthy habit, exercising must be regular. Staying physically active can help in preventing breast cancer.


5. Healthy weight


All in all, I am repeating the previous point but here my focus is on maintaining a healthy weight. Why? Seriously, overweight and obesity can raise the likelihood of getting breast cancer.


6. Time to Say Goodbye to Bad habits


Ladies, beware there is potential evidence stating that smoking can cause breast cancer, and premenopausal women are at high risk. Well, it isn’t funny but the more alcohol you drink, the greater you are at risk of developing cancer. Though, it is better to quit drinking but who don’t love parties. So it is better to limit your alcohol consumption if you can’t quit.


Breast Cancer has been one of the prime causes of death in women. The figures also show a 6% increase in total female deaths this year. The female patients constituted 47.38% of the total deaths in 2018 as compared to 53% in 2019 despite a decline of 10% death due to cancer and A dip of 3.26% in new cancer patients. The number of cancer patients coming up for follow-up in 2019 in comparison to 2018 also seen a decline of 17.51%.


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