Childcare for School Going Kids in the Winter Season: Tips and Symptoms

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z

Is this the first winter of your little one in school or preschool? Worried that the harsh weather and infections can affect your tiny champ? Or Worried about how to take care of your toddler during his first winter outside from home? So, now no need to worry here are some useful tips, do’s and don’ts of childcare for school going kids in the winter season.


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Childcare for School Going Kids in the Winter Season: Tips and Symptoms




Useful Tips Regarding Childcare for School Going Kids in the Winter Season:


1. Maintain Hygiene:


Maintain hygiene and ask your baby to maintain the same. wash your hand frequently and ask your baby to wash hand before eating. Provide them sanitizer and ask to use it frequently( after playing with the other kids, or playing in open area).



2. Head Gear:


Cover the ears and head properly with the close-fitting hat. It helps to protect ears from the cold due to its snug fit.



3. Use Easy Clothing:


Before bundling up your toddler, please understand your kid’s body type, some kids have a naturally warm body and some have normal, so dress them accordingly. Too many clothes like multiple layers of sweaters, caps, gloves, and socks can restrict them to move easily. If they are going to play outside, cover their ears with a hat.

There is a general thumb rule for dressing up the kids which are “Parents put one more layer on the child then they themselves need to keep warm.” But this depends on the parent, kid and on the weather that particular day.



4. Maintain the Room Temperature Warm:


Try to keep your home and your baby’s room comfortable and warm. The best to keep it warm is to shut the windows from where cold air keeps blowing quite frequently. But, make sure that the room stays ventilated. Use a heater, so that your baby is comfortable by himself and feel free to play around. Sometimes, your kids do not get ready to wear socks or shoes or hat at home, the warm room allows them to do so.



5. Include Soup in the Diet:


This is the time when the child doesn’t drink sufficient water, you can also substitute water with warm soups. The cold winters mixed with a warm soup can be enticing. You can use chicken broths or vegetables to making soup from it, try some garlic with the soup too is the best option for your child in winter. your toddler will love these soups.



6. Use Moisturizer:


Your baby’s skin is very sensitive, this harsh cold air can make it rough. So, moisturized it properly (at least twice a day) else it may lead to dry skin. After a bath, dry the body properly and apply the moisturizer evenly throughout the body and massage lightly. You can do massage as well in winters, some natural oils like mustard oil, olive oil, almond oil, and coconut oil can also be used for massage.

Well, above are the tips, childcare for school going kids in the winter season. Now we will discuss what to eat during the winter season which is good for the health of your toddler.


Childcare for School Going Kids in the Winter Season: Tips and Symptoms



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What Foods are Good for Your Kids in the Winter Season?


It is most important that you feed your child properly during the winter to maintain his health. You can add the following things in food:


Whole Grains: Rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, oats as they have a warming up effect.


Lentils: Lentils are rich in proteins and help to retain the warmth of the body.


Root Vegetables: carrot, beet, potato, and radish are good to build the immunity naturally.


Fruits: Apple, pomegranates, and orange are most preferred fruits in winter.


Dry Fruits: Dry fruits powder can be also used in milk it enhances the taste of milk.


Green Leafy Vegetables: Include more of greens in the meals, they are rich in Vitamin A, C, and K.




When Do You Need Medical Attention in Winters?


Common flu occurs mainly during the winter season, although they are mild and the child may recover completely by themselves, there may be complications also. Here are the signs which every parent should be aware of;



  • Bluish skin color.


  • Not waking up or interacting.


  • Flu-like symptoms but return again and again with a fever and severe cough.


  • Fever with the rash.


  • Being unable to eat or drink.


  • Having no tears when crying.






So, now winters will not be that scary even if your kid is going to the school in winters for the first time, by using the above mention tips for childcare for school going kids in the winter season. Now, you can enjoy the food, the cold mornings and the mild sunshine and the cold winds of winters without any fear of flu, cold of infection. So “Keep calm and enjoy the winter with your kids”.


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