Does Vitamin D Cause Prostate Cancer?

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


Chronic diseases like Cancer affects our lives and also the well being of people around us. There are many myths that revolve around and here we are to bust some of them around Prostrate Cancer. What is Prostate cancer? Does vitamin D cause prostate cancer? Well, maybe not vitamin D but its deficiency does make individuals prone to develop Prostate cancer.


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The prostate is a walnut-sized gland in men that is responsible for producing semen. Prostate cancer happens when cancer cells in the prostate grow increasingly fast and beyond control. This leads to symptoms such as difficulty urinating, pelvic pain, and difficulty ejaculating. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin best known for keeping bones healthy Research shows vitamin D deficiency may be linked to prostate cancer. With this in mind, some researchers have explored whether vitamin D can slow or prevent prostate cancer.



There are too many uncertainties over the connection between Vitamin D deficiency and its direct risk of prostate cancer. However, regular research and observations have proved the fact that the individuals who suffer from the deficiency of the vitamin tend to be prone and have higher chances of the condition. In case you feel that you are suffering from the deficiency of vitamin D, do not ignore and kindly refer to a doctor.



According to the National Cancer Institute, “researchers began exploring the link between vitamin D and cancer after they realized cancer was less common among people who lived in southern latitudes with high sun exposure. Since then, several studies have investigated whether vitamin D deficiency causes cancer.”



A lot of problems that have been faced by researchers are also about the fact that these researches are done in the developed countries and have a western approach that does not involve other prospects. A study in 2014 says ” Both African-American and European American men who were severely vitamin D deficient had a higher Gleason grade and tumor stage. Doctors use the Gleason grade is used to determine how similar cancerous prostate tissue cells are to normal prostate tissue cells. The higher the Gleason grade, the more aggressive the cancer is likely to be.”



Researchers at the First Hospital of Jilin University in Changchun, China according to their study in, “Circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of prostate cancer: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies,” that appeared in the journal Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management have discussed the link between Vitamin D and Prostrate cancer. The scientific community seems to lack consensus about the association between vitamin D levels and prostate cancer. Some studies link low circulating vitamin D levels to an increased risk of prostate cancer, suggesting vitamin D exerts a protective role. Others have found no direct relationship between the nutrient and prostate cancer.



Even though there are clouds of uncertainty around the factors of does vitamin D cause prostate cancer? or its deficiency increases the chance? It cannot be denied that any deficiency in the body of major vitamins will lead to the body suffering from tough and complex medical situations. One can always consult a doctor or an expert to prevent further complications.


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