Dietary Supplements: How it Will help you?

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z

Dietary supplements are minerals, vitamins, herbs, and many other products. They can come in – pills, capsules, powders, drinks, and energy bars. Supplements do not have to be tested but drugs do. Few supplements can play an important role in health, like- calcium and vitamin D are important for keeping bones strong. In pregnancy, a pregnant woman can take the vitamin folic acid to prevent certain birth defects in their babies.


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What are the Types of Dietary Supplements?


There are mainly 6 types of dietary supplements:


1. Multivitamins:


Having a daily multivitamin with minerals has long been considered nutritional insurance to cover dietary shortfalls. There is no loss in taking it once-daily multivitamin, as long as you select one, based on your age and sex. Take one daily or just on days when your diet is insufficient.


2. Calcium:


You should choose calcium from foods like- dairy products, fortified foods, dark leafy greens, soybeans, beans, fish, and raisins. Start with a small number of meals, or try dairy products that are lower in lactose, such as aged cheeses and yogurt. If you choose a calcium supplement, look for calcium citrate or lactate. These forms are best absorbed by the body.


3. Vitamin B:


Vitamin B includes thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12. Many people misuse them to reduce stress and think a supplement will make them a nice person in traffic.


4. Vitamin C:


It is often taken in an effort to ward off colds, though there’s little proof this works. There is small evidence which depicts that it may decrease the intensity or duration of colds, but it won’t do any harm up to about 1,000 milligrams a day. This is a water-soluble vitamin, from which excess amounts are excreted.


Your health-care provider may suggest you take vitamin C if you have a wound that’s healing. But wound otherwise, go for food sources. Good sources like- oranges, peppers, grapefruits, peaches, papayas, pineapples, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, and melons.


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5. Vitamin D:


If you are not getting enough vitamin D for good health, then your wound healing ability decreases. The recommendations are not sufficient to protect against chronic diseases or prevent osteoporosis. All evidence suggests that infants and adults can tolerate 1,000 IUs a day as safe, without risk of toxicity. Holick suggests taking a daily vitamin D supplement or getting safe sun exposure to maintain proper blood levels of vitamin D.


And be sure to eat a variety of foods rich in vitamin D such as fortified milk and cereals, salmon, and tuna. Check with your dermatologist about guidelines for safe sun exposure.


6. Homeopathic Medicines:


These are not dietary supplements but are nonetheless a popular category.


Homeopathic medicine is based on the idea that our bodies have a self-healing response. So, the theory goes, if a certain substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving that person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the symptoms.


The National Institute of Health’s National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine web site notes that studies on homeopathy have been contradictory.


Homeopathics are kind in general because they are so dilute and it is unlikely that they will cause any harm if used properly. But the explosion in this category includes cleansers and products that misuse the term and are not really homeopathic.


He cautions users to consult health care professionals, and not to attempt to treat or diagnose conditions that require professional care.




In the above article, we have discussed dietary supplements and their types. With the help of these dietary supplements, people get more fit after taking this. It is healthy for your body, it comes in pills, capsules, drinks and power form.


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