Why A Good Pharmacy is Key to Good Health?

Prakhar Tyagi

, Health A2Z

In India, a pharmacy is often seen as a critical healthcare intermediary. This is large because the Indian healthcare system has been unable to keep pace with the demand for good healthcare services.

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Imagine a typical scenario of a mother whose child is ailing from high fever. The lady takes her child to a doctor and then lands up with the prescription in a pharmacy located in a decrepit part of the city. She finds the pharmacy because it is on her way back home. Not known to the lady, this pharmacy stocks load of spurious medicines. Unknowingly she falls into a trap!

Good pharmacies are like friends and they stand to support you at all times. No one understands this better than Indian mothers who depend on neighborhood pharmacies for their day-to-day medical needs.

What is the Actual Meaning of Pharmacy?

Pharmacy is a department of science and technique for preparing and dispensing medicines or drugs.

It is a healthcare profession that links health sciences with chemical or compound sciences with an aim of safer and effective use of pharmaceutical medicines and drugs.

The scope of pharmacy practice involves more traditional roles such as dispensing and compounding medications, and it also includes more modern services related to health care like clinical services, providing drug information, and reviewing medications for safety and efficacy.

Pharmacists are the experts on medicine or drug therapy and are the primary healthcare professionals who optimize the use of medication or drugs for benefit of the patients.

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Here’s how a good pharmacy can be a key to good health:

1. Authentic Medicines

Neighborhood pharmacies are often the last resort for genuine medicines. They offer genuine medicines and also keep customers posted about any new development in the field. In 2014, an ASSOCHAM report said that fake drugs constituted about 25% of the domestic medicines’ market. Over the years many other reports have offered varying statistics on the presence of spurious medicines.

2. Honest Advisory

Good pharmacies extend their relationships with their customers on the basis of good advice. In the absence of genuine healthcare-related information in the neighborhood, pharmacies are the only way you can gather genuine information related to healthcare interventions in the neighborhood. You can harp on your pharmacy to gather information about the best doctors in your vicinity, tips on preventing seasonal illness, etc.

3. Support During Emergency

Good pharmacies offer advice to those seeking emergency healthcare intervention. They also help you connect with ambulances or doctors during times of crisis.

4. Insights on OTC

Pharmacies are a ready repository for updated information. We use a lot of OTC products including creams, shampoos, hair gels etc. but are often unable to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. Good pharmacies provide updated information about OTC products, based on the feedback gathered from other customers.

5. Collaboration Through Technology

Today, all genuine neighborhood pharmacies use proven technologies to deliver medicines and other services at your doorstep. E-pharmacy apps can help you order medicines easily, without any hassles.

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