Is Night Shifts Raises Women’s Chances of Cancer?

, Health A2Z

Night shifts significantly increase the risk of cancer in women, according to a study appeared in the periodical “American Association for Cancer Research.” Source: NDTV 

The study explained that the breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women around the world.

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Most of the previous meta-analyses focused on the relationship between women working at night and the risk of breast cancer, but the results were contradictory.

Based on previous studies, the researchers analyzed whether long-term night shift work in women is associated with the risk of nearly a dozen cancers.

Researchers performed a meta-analysis with data from 61 articles, including 114,628 cancer cases and 3,909,152 participants from North America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

The articles included 26 cohort studies, 24 case-control studies, and 11 nested case-control studies. These studies looked at a relationship between long-term night work and the risk of 11 cancers.

An additional analysis was conducted specifically analyzing long-term night work and the risk of six cancers among nurses.

In general, long-term night work in women increases cancer risk by 19 percent. In the analysis of certain cancers, the researchers found that this population had a higher risk for skin (41 percent), breast (32 percent) and gastrointestinal cancer (18 percent) compared to women that do not perform movements overnight out.

Following the stratification of participants by location, researchers noted that among night workers in North America and Europe, only a higher risk of breast cancer was observed.

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It is possible that women in North America and Europe groups have higher levels of sex hormones and have been positively associated with hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer.

Nurses who had worked on the night shift were at higher risk for breast cancer (58 percent), gastrointestinal (35 percent), and lung cancer (28 percent) compared to those who did not. Not Working as a Night Team Of all the occupations analyzed, nurses had the highest risk of developing breast cancer when working at night.

Another possible explanation for the increased cancer risk in this population could be related to the nurse’s job needs on the night shift, such as the most intense changes.”

The researchers also performed a dose-response meta-analysis of breast cancer studies with three or more exposure levels. They found that breast cancer risk increased 3.3 percent in five years of night work.

The results of the study indicate the need for health, night shift in the long run.

These findings could help to establish and implement effective measures to protect women changing night-time behavior. Long-term night shift workers must undergo regular physical examinations and cancer screening.

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