Wheezing : Symptoms, Causes, Risk and Treatment

Sonali Kapoor

, Health A2Z

Wheezing is also known as a wheeze. It is a high volume whistling sound made while you breathe. It heard most clearly when you exhale, but in severe cases, it can be heard when you inhale. It’s caused by narrowed airways or inflammation.


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What is Wheezing?


A wheeze is a whistling sound which is made as a person breath. It is a musical or whistling sound and labored breathing when exhaling sometimes it feeling of tightening in the chest.


What are the Symptoms of Wheezing?


There are a few symptoms of wheeze:


1. The musical or whistling sound


2. Labored breathing


3. Tightening in chest


4. Pain when exhaling


5. Coughing


What are the Causes of Wheezing?


There are some causes of wheeze:


1. Asthma


2. Emphysema


3. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)


4. Heart failure


5. Lung cancer


6. Sleep apnea


7. Vocal cord dysfunction


8. Allergies


9. COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)


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It is triggered by short-term illnesses or health emergencies, like:



1. Bronchiolitis, a viral respiratory infection


2. Bronchitis


3. Pneumonia


4. Respiratory tract infection


5. Reaction to smoking


6. Inhaling a foreign object


7. Anaphylaxis


What are the Risk Factors of Wheezing?


There are some risk factors of wheeze:


Wheez can happen to anyone. There are certain risk factors which increase your chances of developing a wheeze. Hereditary illness like- asthma can run in families.


Wheez can also occur in:


1. People with allergies


2. People with lung cancer


3. Toddlers in daycare or with older siblings, due to the increased exposure to infections.


4. Past and current smokers


5. Controlling risk factors, such as smoking, may help improve it. You should also avoid triggers which make you wheezes, such as pollen and other allergens.


How to Treat Wheezing?


Treatment for wheeze has two major goals:


1. Control the inflammation in your airways


2. Open up your breathing tubes with quick-acting medications.


Anti-Inflammatory medications decrease the inflammation and excess mucus in your airways. They mainly come in the form of inhalers, but they’re also available as long-acting tablets. Syrups are used for young children.


Bronchodilators are a fast-acting medication and they’re often used to treat it and help to relieve a cough. They work by relaxing the smooth muscles that encircle your breathing tubes.


Your doctor recommends both anti-inflammatory and quick-acting medications if the wheeze is related to a long-term illness, such as asthma or COPD.




In this article, we have mention Symptoms, causes, risk factors and treatment of wheezing. It is a harmful infection which occurs some diseases and makes you ill slowly steady. If you ever feel any of the above symptoms so consult a doctor as soon as possible.


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