Guillain-Barre Syndrome And Its Treatment.

Tanuja Bisht

, Health A2Z

Guillain-Barre syndrome (Guillain-Barré syndrome) is a rare disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the nerves. Tingling and weakness in extremities are usually the first symptoms.

In many instances, the abnormal sensations and symmetrical weakness spread to the arms and upper body. These symptoms can increase in intensity until some muscles cannot be used at all and, when it gets severe, the person is almost completely paralyzed.


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In these paralyzed cases the disorder is life-threatening, potentially interfering with breathing and, at times, with heart rate or blood pressure – and is considered a medical emergency.


Such an individual is often put on a ventilator to assist with breathing. It is watched closely for problems like infections, and high or low blood pressure.


The cause of this Guillain-Barre syndrome is unknown, but it is usually triggered by an infectious disease like stomach ache or pneumonia.


There are several types of Guillain-Barre, but the most common form is acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP). This leads to damage to the myelin ( a fatty white substance that encompasses the axon of some nerve cells,). Other species include Miller Fisher syndrome, which affects the cranial nerves.


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What causes Guillain-Barre Syndrome?

The precise cause of Guillain-Barré is unknown. People with Guillain-Barre syndrome develop it after they’ve been sick with respiratory infection or diarrhea. This situation suggests that the disorder may be triggered by an improper immune response to the previous illness.

There are several infections that have also been associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome including;

  • Influenza
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Epstein-Barr virus infection or mononucleosis
  • Mycoplasma pneumonia
  • HIV or AIDS

What are the Symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome?

The symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome include;

  • Tingling or prickly sensations in fingers and toes
  • Muscle weakness in legs that travels to the upper body and gets worse over time
  • Difficulty in moving eyes or face, talking, chewing, or swallowing
  • Severe lower back pain
  • Difficulty walking steadily
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Increase in heart rate
  • Paralysis


Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the nerves. Although the disease is not so severed, small knowledge can help in the prevention of the disease before it becomes severe.

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