Delhi Air Pollution: 5 Foods to Boost the Immune System and Keeping Lungs Healthy!

Vaibhav Saxena

, Health A2Z

It has been a couple of years that Delhi and surrounding areas have been experiencing deteriorate air quality and posing chronic health conditions to the residents. Delhi air pollution has been a severe condition that has turned heads of many health experts and government authorities but a bulk of health campaigns and steps have gone in vain.


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Factually, it is entirely natural that our lungs age with the time period similarly like our other body parts such as heart and skin does. People with pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma, nasal congestion and allergies have been seeking an immediate remedy which quite substantial as well. We have curated a list of 5 food to boost the immune system and keeping the lungs healthy while breathing the air which is low in quality.




1. Mushrooms:

Mushrooms are the foods that are circumcised under the category of edible fungi. There are majorly three kinds of edible mushrooms that are crimini, shiitake, and button. Mushrooms are amazing immunity boosters as they are rich in a type of polysaccharide called beta-glucan, which has the ability to alleviate the immune system and help prevent infections.


Mushrooms are also rich in vitamins, polyphenols, zinc, and sterols which makes them ideal for eliminating toxic participants of the body and keeping the immune system strong.


Delhi Air Pollution: 5 Foods to Boost the Immune system and keeping Lungs healthy!




2. Apples:


Apples are one of the most popular fruits and that’s a good thing. They’re an exceptionally healthy fruit with many research-backed benefits to boost the immune system. Apples are a great appetite for the children as well as adult to strive to enhance their lung health, moreover, it was found that people who ate apples daily or regularly tended to keep their lungs healthy more efficiently.


Apples are linked with the high intakes of vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, all of the aforementioned elements are affirmative in boosting your average health.


Delhi Air Pollution: 5 Foods to Boost the Immune system and keeping Lungs healthy!




3. Poultry:

Poultry foods such as chicken, turkey and other non-vegetarian food items are considered ideal for keeping lung healthy. According to the diet experts, these poultry foods are rich in lung capacity boosting Vitamin A which is much easily consumed by the human body as compared with the plant-based Vitamin A.


Poultry food is considered way healthier than the red meat, hence such meat is termed as lean meat which helps in providing clear-cut nutrition to the body.


Delhi Air Pollution: 5 Foods to Boost the Immune system and keeping Lungs healthy!



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4. Garlic:

Garlic is known for its incredible natural antibiotic qualities, moreover, It’s antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties help to not only fight infection but to ward off sickness in the first place. Garlic is rich in sulfur-based components which gives it a deliberate taste and make it ideal for boosting the immune system.


There are an immense amount of people who don’t like consuming garlic due to multiple reasons such as sharp smell and weird taste, in such a case, try adding little garlic in your spicy foods after chopping it which will add flavors in food without bothering. ‘


Delhi Air Pollution: 5 Foods to Boost the Immune system and keeping Lungs healthy!




5. Pumpkin Seeds:

Halloween just passed a few days back so eventually, there would be a bulk of pumpkin seeds must be wandering around the corners in your house. Pumpkin seeds are delicious to devour, additionally, these seeds are rich in zinc, essential fatty acid, and vitamin E.


The core nutrients present in pumpkin seeds are great for your health as it acts wonderfully as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, which helps in boosting your immune system and keeping lung healthy!


Delhi Air Pollution: 5 Foods to Boost the Immune system and keeping Lungs healthy!




How to tackle Delhi Air Pollution?

The air quality of the Indian Capital region has been decreasing day by day, right after autumn began the air quality started to deteriorate day by day. In a lapse of a few days, the air quality index fell from 366 to 389 which is quite of a hazardous problem. It is better to avoid excessive outdoor visits and always wearing air filter installed masks while wandering in the outdoors.


Another way to avoid the air pollution from harming you is through self-management methods such as quitting smoking, installing air filtration devices in your surrounding, planting more trees around, maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding bursting crackers during the festive season.






Delhi Air Pollution is not only limited in Delhi, whereas other regions of India are under high alert due to air pollution such as Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. So, it is recommended to follow all the safety guidelines and eating the right food which helps in boosting the immune system and keeping lungs healthy.


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