Zika Virus Outbreak in Rajasthan, India!

Vaibhav Saxena

, News

Recently, a huge breakout has turned all the heads towards a mono-direction that is the western region of India. Rajasthan and Jaipur have been facing a drastic health issue currently due to a newly acquired virus called Zika Virus. The recognition of this disease has been a major health concern for the whole nation.


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The outbreak began in the month of October when a senior citizen lady allegedly encountered a strange sense of fever. After diagnosis and research, doctors acclaimed it to be Zika Virus which is the first time for India to encounter. Since the first recognition, many other cases of the infection has come into the light and the toll has reached to 55 people. In the 55 people, 18 people have been registered recently that shows the extreme dissemination of the virus.


After observing the strange yet critical pattern of this virus, many questions have started to born in minds of people. We aggregated all the question and queries to satisfy the curiosity and concern of everybody through this curated article.


Zika Virus Outbreak in Rajasthan, India!




What is Zika Virus?


This is a kind of virus that is transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes. These are the same mosquitoes which are also carriers of dengue and chikungunya. Zika virus has often been linked to birth defects and development of Guillain-Barre syndrome, where one’s immune system attacks the nerves.




Is Zika Virus Communicable?


Yes, it is a kind of virus that can be easily transmitted from one person to another. In fact, the major cases that have been depicted are the birth defects in newborn child transmitted from pregnant mothers. This virus can also be spread via sexual communication as well. In Jaipur and Rajasthan, many cases have been reported by people that they have acquired this virus through sexual communication or other physical interaction.




What are the Signs and Symptoms of Zika Infection?


Like other mosquito-borne infections, Zika infection reflects similar symptoms that involve fever (higher than 102 degrees), skin rashes, bloodshot eyes, muscle and joint pain, malaise, and headache. These symptoms normally last for 2-7 days and begin to disappear, however, a person must seek doctor’s diagnosis in case of recognizing any symptoms.


Zika Virus Outbreak in Rajasthan, India!



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What is the History of Zika Virus?


Zika was first recognized in 1947 in forests of Uganda named Zika Forest. In that forest, this virus was spread rapidly and named after it as well. In India, it was first found in Ahmedabad and later was reported in Tamil Nadu, ultimately the massive amount of cases are been reported in 2018 from the western Indian region, Jaipur and Rajasthan.




How to Treat Zika Infection?


Unfortunately, there are no vaccinations or medication available that are particularly focused on treating or resisting Zika Virus. In case a person is infected from Zika, they are recommended management solution like resting, consuming enough fluids, isolation from physical interactions and maintaining hygiene. Also. if a person tends to acquire chronic symptoms like high fever, vomiting, and frailness, they are suggested to visit the doctor and seek medical help immediately.




How to Prevent Zika Infection?


The most effective and prominent method to prevent Zika is to hinder the harvest of mosquitoes in your surroundings. In order to avoid mosquitoes, take all the essential steps like using mosquito repellents, throw away the stale water and maintain cleanliness near you.


Quick Facts about Zika:


  • The Zika Virus Is Spread by Mosquito Bites and by Sex


  • Symptoms of Zika Virus Infection Are Usually Mild


  • Unborn Babies Are Most at Risk From Zika Virus Complications


  • Zika Began in Africa and Spread Rapidly


  • Using Insect Repellents Helps Prevent Zika


  • Mosquito Control Can Help Prevent Zika






It can’t be denied that Zika Virus spread is an alarming situation for the nation. Fortunately, it is possible to prevent this drastic infection by following all the prevention measures mentioned above. Keep yourself clean, maintain hygiene around the surroundings, hinder mosquito invites in your home and use mosquito repellents.


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