8 Long Term Benefits of Sleep on Your Health

Divya Tripathi

, Health A2Z


Long-ago, sound sleep and the duration of sleep were usually ignored by us and the doctors. But now, we started to understand the importance of sleep to complete health and well-being. We know that when we get less than 6 to 7 hours of sleep at night, it increases the risk of developing many health-related issues. Sleep plays an important role to start your day fresh and apart from this there are so many long term benefits of sleep too.


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A lack of sleep at night can make your next day cranky and irritating. And lack of sleep properly at night can mess up more than your morning mood. According to studies, getting quality sleep regularly can help to improve all kind of health issues, from physical to mental.




Important Long Term Benefits of Sleep:



Here are the 8 most amazing long term benefits of sleep which you should not ignore:



1. Sharper Brain:



When you’re not taking proper sleep or facing lack of sleep, you’ll probably have trouble on recalling details. It happens because sleep plays an important role in both learning and memory. Without getting enough sleep, it’s difficult to focus and take in new information. Sharpen brain is one of the most important long term benefits of sleep.




2. Mood Boost:




Brain processed your emotions while sleeping. Your mind needs this sleep time in order to recognize and react in the correct way. When you cut your sleep short, it leads to more negative emotional reactions and lessens the positive ones. lack of sleep for a long time can also raise the chance of having a mood disorder.




3. Healthier Heart:



While sleeping, blood pressure goes down, your heart and blood vessels get rest. If you take less sleep, the longer your blood pressure stays up. High BP can lead to heart disease, including stroke.




4. Balanced Blood Sugar



While deep sleeping, the amount of glucose in your blood drops. Not enough time in the deep stage means you don’t get that time which allows you a reset. Your body will have a difficult time responding to your cells’ needs and blood sugar levels.


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5. Germ Fighting




To keep the illness away immune system plays an important role, your immune system recognize harmful viruses and bacteria in your body and destroys them. If you don’t take proper sleep, it changes the way your immune cells work. These cells may not attack as quickly, and you get sick more often.




6. Weight Control



Weight control is one of the known long term benefits of sleep When you take proper rest, you feel less hungry. Sleep-deprivation messes with the hormones in your brain which control appetite.




7. Sleep Reduces Inflammation




Lack of sleep increased stress hormones which raises the level of inflammation in your body. It creates a greater risk for heart-related conditions, like cancer, and diabetes.




8. Too Much of a Good Thing?



Sleep needs vary from person to person and situation, but on average, regularly sleeping more than 9 hours a night may be harmful than benefits. According to research, people who slept more than 9 hours had a calcium buildup in their heart arteries and less flexible leg arteries, too.








We all know the 6-7 hours of sleep is important to stay healthy and fit. There are so many long term benefits of sleep as well which we had discussed in the above blog. Try to take a sleep of 6-7 hours to stay healthy. But if you are dealing with sleep deprivation then consult your doctor it can be a warning sign of some other health-related issues.


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