Myths About Green Tea, We Got Them Busted

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

This one is a shout out to all those who have for ages thought that green tea is the miracle element. We are here to break your heart with myths about green tea. Let us tell you that all your understanding of green tea is about to change. You will learn and unlearn some important facts.


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What is Green Tea?


People have been consuming tea in India for a long time. Green tea came to India much later, but soon people to like it, even those who did not like tea in general. It is made from the leaves of a plant called Camellia sinensis. Although green tea was more prevalent in western countries. In India, green tea we have plantations in places such as Assam, Meghalaya and other hilly areas.


Get the myths about green tea busted


Here are some shockers on your way. We apologize before, but once and for all the truth was supposed to announce.


1) Myths: Green tea helps in weight loss


Facts: This is a normal thing because people believe that green tea will help them lose weight. On the other hand, to lose weight, you will have to make some changes in your diet and you will also have to do physical activities daily. What green tea does is, it keeps your metabolism stable. Which makes your already ongoing weight loss process a bit faster. It is not that you can lose weight only with green tea.


2) Myths: Green tea cures cancer


Facts: No it does not cure cancer. The information has been highly misunderstood. Green tea is rich in antioxidants. This helps prevent cancer but does not mean that people who consume green tea regularly can survive cancer. People who consume tobacco in very high amounts may also regularly take green tea and still suffer from cancer.


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3) Myths: Only green tea contains antioxidants


Facts: Research shows that both green tea and black tea have different antioxidant properties. Whereas green tea contains catechin and kaempferol as antioxidants. Which helps you keep healthy and also keep your immune system good.


4) Myths: Green tea is anti-aging


Facts: Green tea releases toxins from our body to protect skin tissue from damage. The catechins present in it also protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Actually, the trend of green tea has increased in recent times because it is very healthy.


5) Myths: Green tea is healthy, have as much as you want


Facts: Since drinking green tea has many health benefits, it does not mean that you consume green tea too much. People do not understand that consuming too much of anything is not good for their bodies. Let us tell you that green tea contains caffeine and polyphenols and higher than normal intake can increase both of these in your body.

Excessive caffeine can cause tremors while excessive polyphenols can cause indigestion. Therefore, you should try to consume 1 or 3 cups of green tea throughout the day.



We hope that your myths about green tea are finally busted and you are ready to accept it and make changes. If you are searching for a place to buy some, or other medicines, buy medicine online with our online pharmacy!


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