Know the consequences of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


When a woman thinks that all her problems have ended, there starts another one. Medically, women are prone to more complexities, because of their body system. Pelvic organ Prolapse is one of the aging difficulties that are faced by most women around the world. They are though least aware of it, because of the rarity of the particular condition. What symptoms, causes, and treatments are involved will be dealt with in this write-up. So, all the women folks, do it a good read. Keeping yourself in good care is the most important aspect of your life, and we help you do it in a better way.


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What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse?


It can be defined as the loosening of the pelvic muscles which are supporting the pelvic organs like the uterus, bladder, and rectum. It leads to the pressing of organs in or out of the vagina. While many can feel embarrassed about it, this condition of Pelvic Prolapse is treatable.


What can be Symptoms of Pelvic Organ Prolapse?


The symptoms are very common and you might miss them unintentionally or intentionally. The former happens due to the fact that you may get confused. The latter because you are feeling embarrassed.


1) Pain or pressure in the pelvis, the lower back, or both

2) Urinary problems, including chronic want of peeing.

3) Constipation

4) Pain experienced during sex.


These, as you can see, are extremely common and you cannot really wonder if these might lead to a prolapse condition.



What Can be the Causes of Pelvic Organ Prolapse?


a) Child Birth


While giving birth, a normal delivery in some cases might result in too much stretching of the pelvic floor. This leads to the muscles getting loose and then organs falling in the vaginal area.


b) Pressure on the abdomen


Due to reasons like Obesity and chronic coughing and straining, the pressure on the abdomen increases. This results in the muscles going through a strain causing the prolapse condition.


c) Hormones


No secret but the harsh truth that the hormones result in all kinds of complications. Even in the case of this condition, there might be chances of loose muscles in the region.


d) Aging and Family History


With age, the muscles are bound to be loose, and even the presence of the condition in the family and dear ones might make you vulnerable to the condition.


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What Can be The Treatment for Pelvic Organ Prolapse?


Pelvic Floor Muscle Therapy:


If the condition gets worse there can be a suggested pelvic floor surgery that can be used in that case. It can be suggested by your doctor.


Changing Eating Habits:


We have said, time and again that eating habits affect a lot of things. So, when you have a bowel problem, the doctor can ask you to increase fiber intakes.


Surgery to Support the Uterus or Vagina


Your doctor can suggest a surgery that might lead you to have operations of the uterus or the vagina. It might also include a surgery where you have to go under a complete vaginal opening closure.



While the symptoms make it difficult to know if the condition is serious or not, some women are embarrassed to discuss the issue. Pelvic Prolapse is not that rare as thought but might indeed be dangerous. We suggest that you take proper consultation from our health experts. You can also simply drop your query on Whatsapp (+91 9654030724) or email us at our team will get back to you as soon as possible.


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