Preterm Labor : Know The Causes of the Complication

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z


Pregnancy is the most beautiful feeling but cautions have to be taken. Sometimes, it is a tough time for a woman too. So many complications can happen during the time of pregnancy. One of them is preterm labor, it usually occurs when regular contractions result in the opening of your cervix as early as 20 weeks before then the normal average of about week 37 of pregnancy.


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Preterm Labor:


Preterm labor puts your unborn child at risk of early birth and with a lower or unhealthy weight. Premature birth brings greater health risks for your baby. These kinds of premature babies need special care in the neonatal intensive care unit. Preemies can also have long-term mental and physical disabilities. These along with other complications makes preterm labor a condition to worry about.


What is the Symptom of Preterm Labor?


This is a condition which is important for every pregnant lady to take care of, Preterm labor has some symptoms that you can track in order to ensure a safe period pregnancy:


  • Sensations of abdominal tightening


  • Lower backache takes place


  • Pressure in the lower abdomen


  • Mild abdominal cramps


  • Vaginal spotting or light bleeding


  • Preterm rupture of membranes


  • A change in the type of vaginal discharge


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What Can Be The Risk Factors of Preterm Labor?



To avoid preterm labor, ladies can avoid the following risk factor and ensure that they are in good health at the time of their delivery.




  • Less care is taken



  • Having health conditions, like high blood pressure, preeclampsia, diabetes, blood clotting disorders, or infections


  • Expecting twins or other multiples


  • A family or personal history of premature labor


  • Getting pregnant too soon after having a baby


While risk and symptoms can only give you the initial signal, there are some preventive measures you can use during your pregnancy to avoid such conditions.


1) Take Prenatal Care:


It is important that pregnant women take the desired set of care that is required to be taken. The regular visit to the doctor is a must in this case. Mention any signs or symptoms that concern you.


2) Diet:


Keep a check on the diet that you are taking during your pregnancy. According to some researchers, diet high in polyunsaturated fats lower the risk of having preterm labor.


3) Preventive Medication:


It is necessary that medicines which can help you avoid the preterm labor should be consulted with the doctor and taken on a regular basis, to avoid the condition at any cost.


4) Avoid Substance Abuse:


Alcohol, drugs and any other addiction is a big NO when you are pregnant because it is not only the reason behind the preterm labor but can also cause other issues in your pregnancy and future.


5) Avoid Chronic Condition:


Other diseases, like high blood pressure and other chronic diseases, need to be prevented during pregnancy. Work with your health care expert to keep any chronic conditions under control.


To the beautiful pregnant, the time of pregnancy is important, both for you and your child. Stay healthy and fit, to avoid preterm labor. The above information is provided to give you an overall view of the condition that can be faced. We have experienced doctors to provide assistance in all hours of the day.


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