All About Stem Cell Bone Marrow Transplant in India

Advancements in India have achieved great heights. A long time ago, the situation was much different. The lack of medical services made heavy treatments like Blood cancer treatment, and Thalassemia treatment, impossible. This led to deaths and people losing life at an early stage.


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Time has changed Stem Cell Bone Marrow Transplant in India is the solution to many rare conditions. How? Read through to know. GoMedii as your treatment partner will be providing you with holistic services.


What is Bone Marrow Transplant?


Bone Marrow Transplant is one of the most sought-after treatments for various conditions. Under this comes the Stem cell transplant, in case you decide to make India your chosen destination, you will get the best treatment at the lowest cost possible.


Why should I get Stemcell Bone Marrow Transplant in India?


Stem Cell Bone Marrow Transplant in India, Bone Marrow Transplant, Human Leukocyte Antigen, types of Stemcell transplants, CNV infection, success rate of Bone Marrow Transplant in India, success rate of Stem cell Transplants in india


Stem cell Bone marrow transplant in India is cheaper than other any other country. Patients from Africa and other ASEAN countries come to India for treatment, given the lack of advancement in their home countries.


What is HAL?


Many times when you go to a blood blank, they would have used the term “HAL” resolution. What is this HAL? Why is it important in the treatment process and what should be the good HAL?


Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) is a protein found in White blood cells. They play a vital role in defending the body against viral or bacterial infections and determine the body’s response to drugs, vaccinations, autoimmune disorders, and cancers. HLA types also form the basis for the acceptance/ rejection of a transplanted organ/ bone marrow.

As per many research has found that a donor must match a minimum of 6 HLA markers. Many times a closer match is required. The best match is found through detailed testing. Because some HLA types are more common than others, some patients may face a greater challenge in finding a matching donor.


I do not have a sibling, how will I get the transplant done?


Stem Cell Bone Marrow Transplant in India, Bone Marrow Transplant, Human Leukocyte Antigen, types of Stemcell transplants, CNV infection, success rate of Bone Marrow Transplant in India, success rate of Stem cell Transplants in india


According to one of the finest Hematologists Dr. Raghav Bhargav, says that no matter if there are no siblings of a patient. They can still get the treatment done.

Dr. Bhargava is a celebrated Bone Marrow transplant surgeon who has successfully treated 1000+ patients. He has been known around the country and patients have got treatment with a high success rate. Wish to get your treatment and appointment with him? Click here!


The solution to no sibling condition can be fixed by the process of half match which you would know, in the further read.


Are parents a match for Stemcell transplant?


Yes, if the parents pass through all the criteria as donors, they can give their samples. This is known as a half match which is another way to arrange for healthy blood samples.


Where can I find registries to find a match?


There are blood registries that can help you get the donor if your HAL is high. The knowledge of these depositories and blood banks is given by your treatment partner. Book your appointment now! 


What are the three types of Stemcell transplants?


There are three ways you can get a donor for a stem cell transplant. They are as follows:


1) Full Match


In this case, the donor is the sibling as the arrangement of the chromosomes is very closely exact as to the patient.


2) Half Match


Parents or related people can come close to being a half-match. The genetic arrangement is only half in alignment with that of the patient.


3) Unrelated Donor Match


The depository we mentioned does provide matches if the patient has a high HAL. According to our expert, there can be a chance to get the right kind of donor even under unrelated.


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What is the cost of a Full Match & Half Match In India?


The cost of the Full match in India is USD 19,999. It is one of the cheapest options. The cost of Half match on the other hand can come up to USD 26,999. Book your appointments now, to avail such low-cost treatments!



What must be kept in mind before getting the Stem cell transplant done?


Here are some of the important tips to take care of when you come for a Stemcell Bone Marrow Transplant in India:


1) Stay away from any possibility of infection

2) Ensure that you keep a good HAL resolution

3) You should avoid any kind of illness

4) Fever can become a major obstruction in the treatment process

5) Eat healthily and avoid junk food.


What is the total treatment journey of a Bone marrow transplant?


The process depends upon the type of Stemcell Bone Marrow Transplant in India. If you come for the full match, it would take 30 days for admission. After this, you will stay in India for the next 3 months with a weekly blood test.


What is CNV infection?


Weekly blood tests are done for CNV infection detection. Cytomegalovirus is a genus of viruses in the order Herpesvirales, in the family Herpesviridae, and in the subfamily Betaherpesvirinae.


What is the success rate of Bone Marrow & Stem cell Transplants?


Stem Cell Bone Marrow Transplant in India, Bone Marrow Transplant, Human Leukocyte Antigen, types of Stemcell transplants, CNV infection, success rate of Bone Marrow Transplant in India, success rate of Stem cell Transplants in india


A success rate between 60 to 80% has been recorded for those who have gotten Stemcell Bone Marrow Transplants in India.


Stemcell Bone Marrow Transplant in India


Gomedii supports you during your hard time and helps you get the best treatment at an affordable price. Contact GoMedii to get treatment at the best sickle cell hospital in India.


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