Time To Support A Family Member With Chronic Illness

Somya Verma

, Health A2Z

Today, let us talk about how to support a family member with chronic illness rather than talking about chronic illness. We have met at least one person who is either suffering from a chronic illness, has a person suffering in their loved ones or has lost someone they loved.


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How do you support a family member with chronic illness, really depends on how you take the news your self. Cancer and Diabetes both are chronic conditions, but the people suffering from them are treated very differently.


Ways to support a family member with chronic illness:


So here are some of our ways to tell you how to support a family member with chronic illness. It does not mean, to be with them All. The. Time. Let us see how we do this and what difference does it make.


1) Do not treat them differently


In order to support a family member with chronic illness does not mean that you have to treat them differently. It means you treat them without any discrimination. You involve them in their usual life, just how they were but with a little more care.



2) Make sure they take their medicines


To help your loved ones take care of themselves well, you must and you should ensure that they are taking their meds regularly. It is one of the most important ways to support a family member with chronic illness. You have to make sure that the management is done well, the fight becomes a little easier.



3) Inspire and do not order


You cannot order your loved one or a family member to do certain things. For example, those suffering from Cancer are the worst hit with depression until they are made to feel good. Now, if you tell them or rather order them to be happy, it is unfair. To support a family member with chronic illness, you must be patient.



4) Find a good online pharmacy


A good online pharmacy will help serve the demand of quick medicine delivery. GoMedii is the best option for those who are suffering from chronic illness. You can get doctor appointments easily, get medicines delivered within 4hrs and what else would you need? A good health wallet right? To store all their information. If you still do not have the GoMedii app, download it now.



5) Keep them involved


Have you heard that an empty head is the devil’s mind? Well, you must understand, when you tend to not care about what your family member is doing, they can be up to something. Negative thoughts come in their head very frequently. They have so much free time, they can think about all kinds of things. Hence to support a family member with chronic illness, you must always keep them involved.


Family members often play an important role in managing chronic illnesses, and a family approach may produce more effective, long-term benefits for the patient, according to a Penn State researcher. Thus support a family member with chronic illness in the best way you can!


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